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Tonight’s Schedule 8th Grade Distribution List 1st Period 5:00-5:15 PM

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Tonight’s Schedule 8th Grade Distribution List 1st Period 5:00-5:15 PM 2nd Period 5:18-5:33 PM 3rd Period 5:36-5:51 PM  4th Period 5:54-6:09 PM 5th Period 6:12-6:27 PM  6th Period 6:30-6:45 PM  7th Period 6:48-7:03 PM Please visit the following link to sign up for the 8th grade distribution list. This is how you will receive important school information and information related to 8th grade.

WELCOME TO CURRICULUM NIGHT! Mr. Jason Eres Room th Grade Math Linear Algebra Algebra

3 A Little About Me: Born and raised in Elk Grove, CA
Graduated from ASU with my Bachelors in Secondary Education: Math Interests and hobbies include: Watching Sports: Seahawks, Detroit Tigers, ASU Coaching Sports: Aprende Baseball Going to the Movies Technology

4 Classroom Norms: Students must be on time for class every day
Students in their seats with their warm-up/materials on their desk Fill out agenda Start warm-up Participate in the day’s lesson LEARN!

5 Homework Policy: Homework will not be assigned every night.
When it is assigned, it is expected to be completed and ready to review the following day Late work is accepted up until the summative test – no penalty will be given for late work Homework is practice

6 Absences: Student’s responsibility to make work up
Notes should be caught up using a friend / classmates notes If a homework assignment was graded while absent, please make sure to show Mr. Eres your completed assignment so it can be recorded RESPONSIBILITY!

7 Standards Based Grading:
Focus on mastering content “standards” instead of accumulating points Reports what students know and are able to do Balance of formative (non-impact) and summative (impact) assessments Organized grading system to identify concepts a student is struggling with

8 Traditional Grading: Academic achievement tainted by non-academic factors Grade everything and average it together List of multi-concept assignments Point Chasing

9 Grading Assessments: 4 3 2 1 A B C D F
The student exceeds the learning goal concept’s expectations. The student shows mastery in the learning goal concepts. The student demonstrates a partial understanding of the learning goal concepts. The student shows a weak understanding of the learning goal concepts. The student is unable to show an understanding of the learning goal concepts. A B C D F 4 3 2.5 2 1 The student exceeds the learning goal concept’s expectations. The student shows mastery in the learning goal concepts. The student demonstrates a partial understanding of the learning goal concepts. The student shows a weak understanding of the learning goal concepts. The student is unable to show an understanding of the learning goal concepts. Student’s Algebraic Procedures and Arithmetic Exceeds the Mastery Goal Student’s Algebraic Procedures and Arithmetic are Correct Student’s Algebraic Procedures are Correct, but Some Arithmetic Errors Student’s Algebraic Procedures are Mostly Correct, and Arithmetic is Correct Student’s Algebraic Procedures are Mostly Correct, but Some Arithmetic Errors. Student’s Algebraic Procedures are Incorrect. Animations to go through how an assessment is graded.

10 Gradebook: Haiku Learning Haiku Learning Standards Based Gradebook
Communicates student’s progress on a specific concept Each concept is graded on a 4-point scale 4 3 2 1 The student exceeds the learning goal concept’s expectations. The student shows mastery in the learning goal concepts. The student demonstrates a partial understanding of the learning goal concepts. The student shows a weak understanding of the learning goal concepts. The student is unable to show an understanding of the learning goal concepts.

11 Gradebook: Haiku Learning Each ‘assignment’ is a specific concept
Color Coded: Green – Mastered Yellow – Approaching Red – Needs Improvement Multiple assessments per concept – continuous grade updates 70% decaying average Latest attempt holds 70% weight in final grade for concept

12 Gradebook: Synergy - ParentVue
Synergy – Translation from Haiku Learning Color Coded – Green: Current grade for specific standard (graded) Peach: Individual assessment scores on concept (not graded) Overall grade follows Marzano conversion scale.

13 Gradebook: Best place to see student’s progress / performance in my class will be in Haiku Learning Parent accounts will be sent out within the first two weeks of school Students will be encouraged to defend their grade If a student is given a 2.0 on an assignment, but believes they deserve a 3.0, I am open to discussing this with the student

14 Algebra 1: Year at a Glance:
Understand the concept of a function and use function notation Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the context Analyze functions using different representations Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities Build new functions from existing functions Construct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential models and solve problems Interpret expressions for functions in terms of the situation they model Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables Interpret linear models Use properties of rational and irrational numbers Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems Interpret the structure of expressions Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials Create equations that describe numbers or relationships Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning Solve equations and inequalities in one variable Solve systems of equations Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically

15 Algebra Grading: Homework/Class work 10% Tests/Quizzes 90%
Letter Grade Scale Grade Percentage A 4.0 – 3.0 100% - 90% B 2.9 – 2.5 89% - 80% C 2.49 – 2.0 79% - 70% D 1.9 – 1.0 69% - 60% F < 1.0 59% - 50% *End of quarter, concept grades will be averaged to report letter grades*

16 Supplies: One 3” Binder (Stays at school) Two 3-Prong Pocket Folders
One Pack of Loose-Leaf Lined Paper Lots of Pencils & Erasers Pens (For Grading) Highlighters Whiteboard Markers Ruler Protractor Headphones Graphing Calculator - OPTIONAL

17 Website: Teacher contacts
Supplies and donations Course Information Letter Curriculum

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