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Shared Care Smokefree Service in a Deprived Community Setting

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1 Shared Care Smokefree Service in a Deprived Community Setting
Donna Lang Health Improvement Practitioner Renfrewshire HSCP Introduction Findings... Renfrewshire Smokefree Services identified an area of need in Scotland’s top deprived community, SIMD1. We then identified a pharmacy that despite low cessation rates, had high footfall and importantly a very enthusiastic team Taking a collaborative and pragmatic approach, the skills of both the Community Smokefree and Pharmacy teams were utilised in an effort to develop and implement an Enhanced Cessation Service in the Ferguslie Park area of Paisley (figure 1). Figure 1: SIMD1 datazone Ferguslie Park Collaboration between two disciplines, to provide an enhanced cessation service delivery model, increased 12 week cessation rates (figure 3); Figure 3: Percentage Quit Rates: Pre, Post and National Average (18 month project) *n = 139 A robust protocol, involving a shared-care approach, improved both communication and data collection processes; Partnership working within an area of multiple deprivations did improve accessibility to services and thus aided in the reduction of health inequalities in this SIMD1 community; Figure 4: Collaborative working between community and pharmacy Taking a multi-disciplined approach to cessation service delivery illustrated greater cohesion in supporting clients through their health improvement journeys (figure 4). Aims To reduce health inequalities by improving accessibility to an enhanced smoking cessation service through partnership working To increase cessation rates in an area of high smoking prevalence and of multiple deprivations (SIMD and 2016) Methodology.... Robust Protocol Adherence to the protocol (figure 2) ensures data captured and communication is consistent and robust. As with the ever-evolving nature of health inequalities, the protocol evolves also. This is an enhancement of the original protocol which was created in partnership with Renfrewshire Community Smokefree Services and Lloyds Pharmacy, Tannahill. Figure 2: Enhanced Pharmacy Service Protocol Conclusions The aims of this project were met and are indicative of there being potential for further reduction in health inequalities, through pragmatic and cohesive partnership working. A multi-disciplinary approach to an enhanced shared-care model of cessation not only increases accessibility but also reduces health inequalities. This model has since been rolled out across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Acknowledgements Renfrewshire Smokefree Services Team and Public Health Directorate (NHCGG&C), Natalie Millar (LloydsPharmacy), References

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