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In the early stages of my research I used a site called YouTube

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1 How did you use media technologies in the construction of research, planning and evaluation stages?

2 In the early stages of my research I used a site called YouTube
In the early stages of my research I used a site called YouTube. On YouTube I was able to watch scenes from existing films and get a reference of how I should structure my own short film by watching other short films within the same style/ genre. As a video sharing website, I was able to quickly and easily find scenes from films that I could post on my WordPress blog or to just view and take inspiration from for my own short film. YouTube was still helpful outside of the research stage. When constructing my short film I uploaded test shots, filter tests onto YouTube, this gave me an easy platform to show my target audience what I was working towards, giving them a chance to watch and give me feedback. This site was incredibly useful as the range of what people can upload is so big, I was able to find anything that could help me with my own production, quickly and easily. I even uploaded my final production onto YouTube for people to see.

3 I also used the site WordPress during my research and planning
I also used the site WordPress during my research and planning. On WordPress I was able to post blogs about my production. Giving me a place to save all my work dedicated towards my final product. I uploaded my research collected, my plans for filming dates and my progression to show my audience. WordPress is a great site to keep all of my progression and save everything I have done so I can easily go back and access any post I need to double check or look over to see what needs to be done.

4 To Actually edit and structure all of the shots I had filmed, I used Final Cut Pro. FCP helped me add filters to the shots to create a dreamlike effect for ‘Limbo’. I was also able to cut down long shots to fit my short film within the 5 minute mark, but also being able to cut between shots to follow the screenplay and storyboard.

5 WACOM Intous: Comic I have a WACOM Intous: Comic, which comes with the digital drawing pad and also two pieces of software provided. One of which I used fore my Ancillary One: The poster. The software is called Clip Studio Pro. As people enjoy my artwork, it was suggested that I should do something different and draw my poster. As I am a fan of the term ‘less is more’ when marketing as you intrigue your audience without giving them too much information. I drew over a picture of my actor Panashe. I kept a similar colour scheme as my short film, using lots of whites/ blacks just like the set of our short film.

6 Physical Technologies
SD Card Cannon 700D Dolly Tripod

7 Physical Technologies
The physical technologies were very useful during my production of my short film. My Cannon 700D gave me a nice resolution and made the visuals fit the short film as we wanted the visuals to stand out, using excessive whites to focus on the dreamlike state. This combined with the tripod gave me an easy and stable way to shoot the scenes and being able to shoot without the camera shaking. In some shots we used the dolly to help add camera movement without causing the camera to become shaky. We were planning to use some extra lighting but during our test shots we realised that in the ‘Limbo room’ (the set mainly used for the film) the lighting available was good enough and created enough of a glow without being too much, therefore we did not use the extra lighting.

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