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Text Analytics Workshop

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1 Text Analytics Workshop
Tom Reamy Chief Knowledge Architect KAPS Group Program Chair – Text Analytics World Knowledge Architecture Professional Services

2 Agenda Questions / Discussions Introduction – State of Text Analytics
Text Analytics Features Information / Knowledge Environment – Taxonomy, Metadata, Information Technology Value of Text Analytics Quick Start for Text Analytics Development – Taxonomy, Categorization, Faceted Metadata Text Analytics Applications Integration with Search and ECM Platform for Information Applications Questions / Discussions

3 Introduction: KAPS Group
Knowledge Architecture Professional Services – Network of Consultants Applied Theory – Faceted taxonomies, complexity theory, natural categories, emotion taxonomies Services: Strategy – IM & KM - Text Analytics, Social Media, Integration Taxonomy/Text Analytics development, consulting, customization Text Analytics Quick Start – Audit, Evaluation, Pilot Social Media: Text based applications – design & development Partners – Smart Logic, Expert Systems, SAS, SAP, IBM, FAST, Concept Searching, Attensity, Clarabridge, Lexalytics Clients: Genentech, Novartis, Northwestern Mutual Life, Financial Times, Hyatt, Home Depot, Harvard Business Library, British Parliament, Battelle, Amdocs, FDA, GAO, World Bank, etc. Presentations, Articles, White Papers –

4 Text Analytics Workshop Introduction: Text Analytics
History – academic research, focus on NLP Inxight –out of Zerox Parc Moved TA from academic and NLP to auto-categorization, entity extraction, and Search-Meta Data Explosion of companies – many based on Inxight extraction with some analytical-visualization front ends Half from 2008 are gone - Lucky ones got bought Focus on enterprise text analytics – shift to sentiment analysis - easier to do, obvious pay off (customers, not employees) Backlash – Real business value? Enterprise search down, taxonomy up –need for metadata – not great results from either – 10 years of effort for what? Text Analytics is slowly growing – time for a jump?

5 Text Analytics Workshop Current State of Text Analytics
Big Data – Big Text is bigger, text into data, data for text Watson – ensemble methods, pun module Social Media / Sentiment – look for real business value New techniques, emotion taxonomies Enterprise Text Analytics (ETA) ETA is the platform for unstructured text applications Wide Range of InfoApps – BI,CI, Fraud, social media Has Text Analytics Arrived? Survey – 28% just getting started, 11% not yet, 17.5% ETA What is holding it back? Lack of clarity about business value, what it is – 55% Lack of strategic vision, real examples Gartner – new report on text analytics

6 Introduction: Future Directions What is Text Analytics Good For?

7 Text Analytics Workshop What is Text Analytics?
Text Mining – NLP, statistical, predictive, machine learning Semantic Technology – ontology, fact extraction Extraction – entities – known and unknown, concepts, events Catalogs with variants, rule based Sentiment Analysis – Objects/ Products and phrases Statistics, catalogs, rules – Positive and Negative Auto-categorization Training sets, Terms, Semantic Networks Rules: Boolean - AND, OR, NOT Advanced – DIST(#), ORDDIST#, PARAGRAPH, SENTENCE Disambiguation - Identification of objects, events, context Build rules based, not simply Bag of Individual Words


9 Case Study – Categorization & Sentiment


11 Case Study – Categorization & Sentiment






17 Case Study – Taxonomy Development

18 Text Analytics Workshop: Information Environment TA & Taxonomy Complimentary Information Platform
Taxonomy provides a consistent and common vocabulary Enterprise resource – integrated not centralized Text Analytics provides a consistent tagging Human indexing is subject to inter and intra individual variation Taxonomy provides the basic structure for categorization And candidates terms Text Analytics provides the power to apply the taxonomy And metadata of all kinds Text Analytics and Taxonomy Together – Platform Consistent in every dimension Powerful and economic

19 Standard Taxonomies = starter categorization rules
Text Analytics Workshop: Information Environment Taxonomy and Text Analytics Standard Taxonomies = starter categorization rules Example – Mesh – bottom 5 layers are terms Categorization taxonomy structure Tradeoff of depth and complexity of rules Easier to maintain taxonomy, but need to refine rules Analysis of taxonomy – suitable for categorization Structure – not too flat, not too large, orthogonal categories Smaller modular taxonomies More flexible relationships – not just Is-A-Kind/Child-Of Different kinds of taxonomies – emotion, expertise No standards for text analytics – custom jobs Importance of starting resources

20 Text Analytics Workshop: Information Environment Metadata - Tagging
How do you bridge the gap – taxonomy to documents? Tagging documents with taxonomy nodes is tough And expensive – central or distributed Library staff –experts in categorization not subject matter Too limited, narrow bottleneck Often don’t understand business processes and business uses Authors – Experts in the subject matter, terrible at categorization Intra and Inter inconsistency, “intertwingleness” Choosing tags from taxonomy – complex task Folksonomy – almost as complex, wildly inconsistent Resistance – not their job, cognitively difficult = non-compliance Text Analytics is the answer(s)!

21 Text Analytics Workshop: Information Environment Mind the Gap – Manual-Automatic-Hybrid
All require human effort – issue of where and how effective Manual - human effort is tagging (difficult, inconsistent) Small, high value document collections, trained taggers Automatic - human effort is prior to tagging – auto-categorization rules and/or NLP algorithm effort Hybrid Model – before (like automatic) and after Build on expertise – librarians on categorization, SME’s on subject terms Facets – Requires a lot of Metadata - Entity Extraction feeds facets – more automatic, feedback by design Manual - Hybrid – Automatic is a spectrum – depends on context

22 Text Analytics Workshop Benefits of Text Analytics
Why Text Analytics? Enterprise search has failed to live up to its potential Enterprise Content management has failed to live up to its potential Taxonomy has failed to live up to its potential Adding metadata, especially keywords has not worked What is missing? Intelligence – human level categorization, conceptualization Infrastructure – Integrated solutions not technology, software Text Analytics can be the foundation that (finally) drives success – search, content management, and much more

23 Strategic Vision for Text Analytics Costs and Benefits
IDC study – quantify cost of bad search Three areas: Time spent searching Recreation of documents Bad decisions / poor quality work Costs 50% search time is bad search = $2,500 year per person Recreation of documents = $5,000 year per person Bad quality (harder) = $15,000 year per person Per 1,000 people = $ 22.5 million a year 30% improvement = $6.75 million a year Add own stories – especially cost of bad information Human measure - # of FTE’s, savings passed on to customers, etc.

24 Getting Started with Text Analytics Need for a Quick Start
Text Analytics is weird, a bit academic, and not very practical It involves language and thinking and really messy stuff On the other hand, it is really difficult to do right (Rocket Science) Organizations don’t know what text analytics is and what it is for TAW Survey shows - need two things: Strategic vision of text analytics in the enterprise Business value, problems solved, information overload Text Analytics as platform for information access Real life functioning program showing value and demonstrating an understanding of what it is and does Quick Start – Strategic Vision – Software Evaluation – POC / Pilot

25 Getting Started with Text Analytics Text Analytics Vision & Strategy
Strategic Questions – why, what value from the text analytics, how are you going to use it Platform or Applications? What are the basic capabilities of Text Analytics? What can Text Analytics do for Search? After 10 years of failure – get search to work? What can you do with smart search based applications? RM, PII, Social ROI for effective search – difficulty of believing Problems with metadata, taxonomy

26 Quick Start Step One- Knowledge Audit
Ideas – Content and Content Structure Map of Content – Tribal language silos Structure – articulate and integrate Taxonomic resources People – Producers & Consumers Communities, Users, Central Team Activities – Business processes and procedures Semantics, information needs and behaviors Information Governance Policy Technology CMS, Search, portals, text analytics Applications – BI, CI, Semantic Web, Text Mining

27 Quick Start Step One- Knowledge Audit
Info Problems – what, how severe Formal Process – Knowledge Audit Contextual & Information interviews, content analysis, surveys, focus groups, ethnographic studies, Text Mining Informal for smaller organizations, specific application Category modeling – Cognitive Science – how people think Panda, Monkey, Banana Natural level categories mapped to communities, activities Novice prefer higher levels Balance of informative and distinctiveness Strategic Vision – Text Analytics and Information/Knowledge Environment

28 Quick Start Step Two - Software Evaluation Varieties of Taxonomy/ Text Analytics Software
Software is more important to text analytics No spreadsheets for semantics Taxonomy Management - extraction Full Platform SAS, SAP, Smart Logic, Concept Searching, Expert System, IBM, Linguamatics, GATE Embedded – Search or Content Management FAST, Autonomy, Endeca, Vivisimo, NLP, etc. Interwoven, Documentum, etc. Specialty / Ontology (other semantic) Sentiment Analysis – Attensity, Lexalytics, Clarabridge, Lots Ontology – extraction, plus ontology

29 Quick Start Step Two - Software Evaluation Different Kind of software evaluation
Traditional Software Evaluation - Start Filter One- Ask Experts - reputation, research – Gartner, etc. Market strength of vendor, platforms, etc. Feature scorecard – minimum, must have, filter to top 6 Filter Two – Technology Filter – match to your overall scope and capabilities – Filter not a focus Filter Three – In-Depth Demo – 3-6 vendors Reduce to 1-3 vendors Vendors have different strengths in multiple environments Millions of short, badly typed documents, Build application Library 200 page PDF, enterprise & public search

30 Quick Start Step Two - Software Evaluation Design of the Text Analytics Selection Team
IT - Experience with software purchases, needs assess, budget Search/Categorization is unlike other software, deeper look Business -understand business, focus on business value They can get executive sponsorship, support, and budget But don’t understand information behavior, semantic focus Library, KM - Understand information structure Experts in search experience and categorization But don’t understand business or technology Interdisciplinary Team, headed by Information Professionals Much more likely to make a good decision Create the foundation for implementation

31 Quick Start Step Three – Proof of Concept / Pilot Project
POC use cases – basic features needed for initial projects Design - Real life scenarios, categorization with your content Preparation: Preliminary analysis of content and users information needs Training & test sets of content, search terms & scenarios Train taxonomist(s) on software(s) Develop taxonomy if none available Four week POC – 2 rounds of develop, test, refine / Not OOB Need SME’s as test evaluators – also to do an initial categorization of content Majority of time is on auto-categorization

32 POC Design: Evaluation Criteria & Issues
Basic Test Design – categorize test set Score – by file name, human testers Categorization & Sentiment – Accuracy 80-90% Effort Level per accuracy level Combination of scores and report Operators (DIST, etc.) , relevancy scores, markup Development Environment – Usability, Integration Issues: Quality of content & initial human categorization Normalize among different test evaluators Quality of taxonomy – structure, overlapping categories

33 Quick Start for Text Analytics Proof of Concept -- Value of POC
Selection of best product(s) Identification and development of infrastructure elements – taxonomies, metadata – standards and publishing process Training by doing –SME’s learning categorization, Library/taxonomist learning business language Understand effort level for categorization, application Test suitability of existing taxonomies for range of applications Explore application issues – example – how accurate does categorization need to be for that application – 80-90% Develop resources – categorization taxonomies, entity extraction catalogs/rules

34 POC and Early Development: Risks and Issues
CTO Problem –This is not a regular software process Semantics is messy not just complex 30% accuracy isn’t 30% done – could be 90% Variability of human categorization Categorization is iterative, not “the program works” Need realistic budget and flexible project plan Anyone can do categorization Librarians often overdo, SME’s often get lost (keywords) Meta-language issues – understanding the results Need to educate IT and business in their language

35 Development

36 Analysis of taxonomy – suitable for categorization
Text Analytics Development: Categorization Process Start with Taxonomy and Content Starter Taxonomy If no taxonomy, develop (steal) initial high level Textbooks, glossaries, Intranet structure Organization Structure – facets, not taxonomy Analysis of taxonomy – suitable for categorization Structure – not too flat, not too large Orthogonal categories Content Selection Map of all anticipated content Selection of training sets – if possible Automated selection of training sets – taxonomy nodes as first categorization rules – apply and get content

37 Text Analytics Workshop Text Analytics Development: Categorization Process
First Round of Categorization Rules Term building – from content – basic set of terms that appear often / important to content Add terms to rule, apply to broader set of content Repeat for more terms – get recall-precision “scores” Repeat, refine, repeat, refine, repeat Get SME feedback – formal process – scoring Get SME feedback – human judgments Test against more, new content Repeat until “done” – 90%?

38 Facet Design – from Knowledge Audit, K Map Find and Convert catalogs:
Text Analytics Workshop Text Analytics Development: Entity Extraction Process Facet Design – from Knowledge Audit, K Map Find and Convert catalogs: Organization – internal resources People – corporate yellow pages, HR Include variants Scripts to convert catalogs – programming resource Build initial rules – follow categorization process Differences – scale, threshold – application dependent Recall – Precision – balance set by application Issue – disambiguation – Ford company, person, car

39 Text Analytics Development: Entity Extraction Process
Demo – SAS Enterprise Content Categorization Amdocs Motivation – BillGreaterThanLast – build rule BillIncludesProrate – auto rule GAO Project Three – Agriculture and New Agriculture

40 Text Analytics Workshop Case Study - Background
Inxight Smart Discovery Multiple Taxonomies Healthcare – first target Travel, Media, Education, Business, Consumer Goods, Content – 800+ Internet news sources 5,000 stories a day Application – Newsletters Editors using categorized results Easier than full automation

41 Text Analytics Workshop Case Study - Approach
Initial High Level Taxonomy Auto generation – very strange – not usable Editors High Level – sections of newsletters Editors & Taxonomy Pro’s - Broad categories & refine Develop Categorization Rules Multiple Test collections Good stories, bad stories – close misses - terms Recall and Precision Cycles Refine and test – taxonomists – many rounds Review – editors – 2-3 rounds Repeat – about 4 weeks




45 Text Analytics Workshop Case Study – Issues & Lessons
Taxonomy Structure: Aggregate vs. independent nodes Children Nodes – subset – rare Trade-off of depth of taxonomy and complexity of rules No best answer – taxonomy structure, format of rules Need custom development Recall more important than precision – editors role Combination of SME and Taxonomy pros Combination of Features – Entity extraction, terms, Boolean, filters, facts Training sets and find similar are weakest Plan for ongoing refinement

46 Text Analytics Workshop Enterprise Environment – Case Studies
A Tale of Two Taxonomies It was the best of times, it was the worst of times Basic Approach Initial meetings – project planning High level K map – content, people, technology Contextual and Information Interviews Content Analysis Draft Taxonomy – validation interviews, refine Integration and Governance Plans

47 Taxonomy of Subjects / Disciplines: Facets:
Text Analytics Workshop Enterprise Environment – Case One – Taxonomy, 7 facets Taxonomy of Subjects / Disciplines: Science > Marine Science > Marine microbiology > Marine toxins Facets: Organization > Division > Group Clients > Federal > EPA Facilities > Division > Location > Building X Content Type – Knowledge Asset > Proposals Instruments > Environmental Testing > Ocean Analysis > Vehicle Methods > Social > Population Study Materials > Compounds > Chemicals

48 Project Owner – KM department – included RM, business process
Text Analytics Workshop Enterprise Environment – Case One – Taxonomy, 7 facets Project Owner – KM department – included RM, business process Involvement of library - critical Realistic budget, flexible project plan Successful interviews – build on context Overall information strategy – where taxonomy fits Good Draft taxonomy and extended refinement Software, process, team – train library staff Good selection and number of facets Developed broad categorization and one deep-Chemistry Final plans and hand off to client

49 Taxonomy of Subjects / Disciplines: Facets:
Text Analytics Workshop Enterprise Environment – Case Two – Taxonomy, 4 facets Taxonomy of Subjects / Disciplines: Geology > Petrology Facets: Organization > Division > Group Process > Drill a Well > File Test Plan Assets > Platforms > Platform A Content Type > Communication > Presentations

50 Enterprise Environment – Case Two – Taxonomy, 4 facets Environment & Project Issues
Value of taxonomy understood, but not the complexity and scope Under budget, under staffed Location – not KM – tied to RM and software Solution looking for the right problem Importance of an internal library staff Difficulty of merging internal expertise and taxonomy Project mind set – not infrastructure Rushing to meet deadlines doesn’t work with semantics Importance of integration – with team, company Project plan more important than results

51 Enterprise Environment – Case Two – Taxonomy, 4 facets Research and Design Issues
Research Issues Not enough research – and wrong people Misunderstanding of research – wanted tinker toy connections Interview 1 leads to taxonomy node 2 Design Issues Not enough facets Wrong set of facets – business not information Ill-defined facets – too complex internal structure

52 Enterprise Environment – Case Two – Taxonomy, 4 facets Conclusion: Risk Factors
Political-Cultural-Semantic Environment Not simple resistance - more subtle – re-interpretation of specific conclusions and sequence of conclusions / Relative importance of specific recommendations Access to content and people Enthusiastic access Importance of a unified project team Working communication as well as weekly meetings

53 Applications

54 Quick Start for Text Analytics Building on the Foundation
Text Analytics: Create the Platform – CM & Search New Electronic Publishing Process Use text analytics to tag, new hybrid workflow New Enterprise Search Build faceted navigation on metadata, extraction Enhance Information Access in the Enterprise - InfoApps Governance, Records Management, Doc duplication, Compliance Applications – Business Intelligence, CI, Behavior Prediction eDiscovery, litigation support, Fraud detection Productivity / Portals – spider and categorize, extract

55 Quick Start for Text Analytics Information Platform: Content Management
Hybrid Model – Internal Content Management Publish Document -> Text Analytics analysis -> suggestions for categorization, entities, metadata - > present to author Cognitive task is simple -> react to a suggestion instead of select from head or a complex taxonomy Feedback – if author overrides -> suggestion for new category External Information - human effort is prior to tagging More automated, human input as specialized process – periodic evaluations Precision usually more important Target usually more general

56 Text Analytics and Search Multi-dimensional and Smart
Faceted Navigation has become the basic/ norm Facets require huge amounts of metadata Entity / noun phrase extraction is fundamental Automated with disambiguation (through categorization) Taxonomy – two roles – subject/topics and facet structure Complex facets and faceted taxonomies Clusters and Tag Clouds – discovery & exploration Auto-categorization – aboutness, subject facets This is still fundamental to search experience InfoApps only as good as fundamentals of search People – tagging, evaluating tags, fine tune rules and taxonomy



59 Integrated Facet Application Design Issues - General
What is the right combination of elements? Dominant dimension or equal facets Browse topics and filter by facet, search box How many facets do you need? Scale requires more automated solutions More sophisticated rules Issue of disambiguation: Same person, different name – Henry Ford, Mr. Ford, Henry X. Ford Same word, different entity – Ford and Ford Number of entities and thresholds per results set / document Usability, audience needs Relevance Ranking – number of entities, rank of facets

60 Quick Start for Text Analytics Text and Data: Two Way Street
New types of applications New ways to make sense of data, enrich data Harvard – Analyzing Text as Data Detecting deception, Frame Analysis Narrative Science – take data (baseball statistics, financial data) and turn into a story Political campaigns using Big Data, social media, and text analytics Watson for healthcare – help doctors keep up with massive information overload

61 Quick Start for Text Analytics Social Media: Beyond Simple Sentiment
Beyond Good and Evil (positive and negative) Social Media is approaching next stage (growing up) Where is the value? How get better results? Importance of Context – around positive and negative words Rhetorical reversals – “I was expecting to love it” Issues of sarcasm, (“Really Great Product”), slanguage Granularity of Application Early Categorization – Politics or Sports Limited value of Positive and Negative Degrees of intensity, complexity of emotions and documents Addition of focus on behaviors – why someone calls a support center – and likely outcomes

62 Quick Start for Text Analytics Social Media: Beyond Simple Sentiment
Two basic approaches [Limited accuracy, depth] Statistical Signature of Bag of Words Dictionary of positive & negative words Essential – need full categorization and concept extraction New Taxonomies – Appraisal Groups – Adjective and modifiers – “not very good” Supports more subtle distinctions than positive or negative Emotion taxonomies - Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, Surprise, Disgust New Complex – pride, shame, confusion, skepticism

63 Quick Start for Text Analytics Social Media: Beyond Simple Sentiment
Expertise Analysis Experts think & write differently – process, chunks Categorization rules for documents, authors, communities Applications: Business & Customer intelligence, Voice of the Customer Deeper understanding of communities, customers – better models Security, threat detection – behavior prediction, Are they experts? Expertise location- Generate automatic expertise characterization Crowd Sourcing – technical support to Wiki’s Political – conservative and liberal minds/texts Disgust, shame, cooperation, openness

64 Quick Start for Text Analytics Behavior Prediction – Telecom Customer Service
Problem – distinguish customers likely to cancel from mere threats Basic Rule (START_20, (AND,  (DIST_7,"[cancel]", "[cancel-what-cust]"), (NOT,(DIST_10, "[cancel]", (OR, "[one-line]", "[restore]", “[if]”))))) Examples: customer called to say he will cancell his account if the does not stop receiving a call from the ad agency. cci and is upset that he has the asl charge and wants it off or her is going to cancel his act More sophisticated analysis of text and context in text Combine text analytics with Predictive Analytics and traditional behavior monitoring for new applications

65 Text Analytics Workshop Conclusions
Text Analytics and Taxonomy are partners – enrich each other Text Analytics can mind the gap – between taxonomies and documents Text Analytics needs strategic vision and quick start Need to approach as platform – deep context – understand information environment Text Analytics is a platform for huge range of applications: Search and Content Management and Basic productivity apps New kinds of applications - social, data, InfoApps of all kinds Want to learn more – come to Text Analytics World in SF in April! Early Bird Registration –

66 Questions? Tom Reamy KAPS Group
Knowledge Architecture Professional Services

67 Resources Books Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
George Lakoff Knowledge, Concepts, and Categories Koen Lamberts and David Shanks Formal Approaches in Categorization Ed. Emmanuel Pothos and Andy Wills The Mind Ed John Brockman Good introduction to a variety of cognitive science theories, issues, and new ideas Any cognitive science book written after 2009

68 Resources Conferences – Web Sites
Text Analytics World - All aspects of text analytics Call for Speakers – April 17-18, San Francisco Text Analytics Summit Semtech

69 Resources Blogs Web Sites SAS-
Taxonomy Community of Practice: LindedIn – Text Analytics Summit Group Whitepaper – CM and Text Analytics - Whitepaper – Enterprise Content Categorization strategy and development –

70 Resources Articles Malt, B. C Category coherence in cross-cultural perspective. Cognitive Psychology 29, Rifkin, A Evidence for a basic level in event taxonomies. Memory & Cognition 13, Shaver, P., J. Schwarz, D. Kirson, D. O’Conner Emotion Knowledge: further explorations of prototype approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 52, Tanaka, J. W. & M. E. Taylor Object categories and expertise: is the basic level in the eye of the beholder? Cognitive Psychology 23,

71 Resources LinkedIn Groups: Journals Text Analytics World
Text Analytics Group Data and Text Professionals Sentiment Analysis Metadata Management Semantic Technologies Journals Academic – Cognitive Science, Linguistics, NLP Applied – Scientific American Mind, New Scientist

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