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“The Scarlet Ibis” Vocab

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1 “The Scarlet Ibis” Vocab

2 Doggedness persistent in effort “ Most of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness.”

3 Evanesce pass out of sight, memory, or existence “After years of having his novels rejected by publishers, Jim knew his hope had started to evanesce.”

4 Exotic originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country “The economic plants of Brazil, both indigenous and exotic, are noticeably numerous.”

5 Heresy opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted
“Years ago, heresy charges were brought upon any person who dared to disagree with church leaders.”

6 Imminent near; about to happen “The hurricane is imminent and has homeowners rushing to board up their windows.”

7 Infallibility The quality of being infallible; the inability to be wrong “ Once I had succeeded in teaching Doodle to walk, when I began to believe in my own infallibility, and I prepared a terrific development program for him, unknown to Mama and Daddy, of course.”

8 Precariously in a way that is not securely in position and is likely to fall or collapse; in a way that is uncertain or dependent on chance “The child leaned precariously over the edge of the dock, peering into the water.”

9 Reiterate say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity “To merely reiterate points already made will not be allowed.”

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