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By: Sarah Pacheco Holly Latorre Amariyanna Anderson

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1 By: Sarah Pacheco Holly Latorre Amariyanna Anderson
Emmett Till Holly: *introduction of Emmett Till* By: Sarah Pacheco Holly Latorre Amariyanna Anderson

2 Background Born in 1941. 14 years old.
Went to a store with other boys. Dared to speak to Carolyn Bryant. (21yrs old) Made “inappropriate advances”* Ran out of store. *1 Holly: He went to Bryant’s Grocery & Meat Market in Money, Mississippi. Many say he whistled at her, grabbed her hand, and even grabbed her by the waist. The other boys and Till then ran after Till whistled at her one last time, Carolyn then went to receive a gun out of a car.

3 Kidnapping Aug. 28 1955. Early Morning.
Roy Bryant and John Milam planned to “teach him a lesson”* Thrown in the back of pickup truck. Beat multiple times. Bryant and Milam arrested for kidnapping. * 3 Amariyanna: (Roy Bryant: Husband John: Half Brother)The idea of kidnapping actually occurred on the 27th while the kidnapping itself happened on the 28th. It occurred between 2 and 3 a.m. They went into the house he was staying him and took him from his bed and told the others that were around him that they would kill them if they told anyone what they saw. They took him away in a white and green Chevrolet truck. They then pulled up to a truck and took him to a barn where they apparently whipped and beat him.

4 Murder Shot in the head and thrown in river.
Severely beaten beyond recognition. Fan used to weigh him down in river. Body found three days later. Amariyanna: He was shot in the Barn and was then taken to the river. Once they got to the river they tied a metal fan around his neck to keep him down in the water and threw him in. Three days later the body was found by a man fishing in the river when he saw feet sticking out of the water. The body was badly beaten and bloated by the water, the only identifiable piece was Till’s ring that he had on his finger that he got from his father.

5 Trial Both men arrested for his abduction.
County Sheriff stated the body could not be Emmett Till’s. Only took 68 minutes and both men were acquitted. Kidnapping charges dropped. Sarah: Both Bryant and Milam may have admitted to kidnapping him, but said that they released him again back in Money. The body was said to have belonged to a grown man and not a young boy since the body was only in the river for three days while it had looked like it was in there for a lot longer time frame. It only took them 68 minutes from leaving the courtroom, to returning back to it that the men were not guilty of the crime and then the kidnapping charges were dropped and the let the men out of custody.

6 Aftermath Around 50,000 people went by the open casket.
Case caused a spark for a new change. Civil Rights Act of 1957. 21% of black population left the county. None of the men involved in the death of Emmett Till faced any type of charge. Sarah: All these people went by the casket to see what the murderers had done to him. The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was helped to pass because of this event. Since there was no justice for Till, many people left since they didn’t want to be apart of those occurrences. This event is still refferred to as one of the most-sorrowful moments in Black-American history.

7 Works Cited 1. Chandler, D. L. “Teen Emmett Till Of Kidnapping, Brutal Murder On This Day in 1955.” 9 Sep Anderson, Devery. “Emmett Till” 9 Sep Linder, Douglas O. “Emmett Till Murder Trial: An Account.” 9 Sep

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