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The Articles of Confederation

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1 The Articles of Confederation
The 1st government of the US

2 Articles of Confederation (1781)
Document for the 1st government of the United States

3 Strengths of the AOC 1. Treaty of Paris (1783)
Officially made US independent of England John Jay, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin negotiated the treaty

4 Strengths of the AOC 2. Land Ordinance of 1785
Created procedure to allow new states into the union. New states would be equal to original 13 states

5 Strengths of the AOC 3. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Land between App. Mtns and Mississippi River to be divided up into states Ohio Indiana Minnesota Michigan Wisconsin Slavery prohibited in this new area

6 Weaknesses of the AOC Federal government had very little power.
Could not tax or enforce laws No president No national currency No national court system

7 Shays Rebellion Overview
Where: Massachusetts When: Who: Group led by Daniel Shays (Revolutionary War veteran) Why: Shays and others were being overtaxed and land was being taken away due to debts

8 Shays Rebellion Forcibly closed courts Free debtors from jail
Rebellion was squashed by military force organized by the governor Shays pardoned on charges of high treason

9 Outcome of Shays Rebellion
Realization that national government under the AOC had very little power New government needed Constitutional Convention and the US Constitution being written

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