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Mind Stretcher 9/1/17 Name 3 types of relationships between organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Mind Stretcher 9/1/17 Name 3 types of relationships between organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mind Stretcher 9/1/17 Name 3 types of relationships between organisms.
Predation (Predator/Prey) Competition Symbiosis Coevolution

2 Concept Map for Ch. 18-3 Write your name on it!
Open the textbook to Ch. 18 section 3 (page 491) Listen to the audio and follow along We will pause after each main topic (red title) GOAL: Complete “Competition & 3 types of Symbiosis”

3 Carrying capacity Carrying capacity- the largest population that an environment can support at a time Example- when a population grows too large, individuals most leave or die off. The population has to return to a size the environment can support

4 Limiting Factor Sources so scare that it limits the size of a population Example- food, water, space (The environment contains a limited amount of these resouces.

5 Competition When two or more individuals or populations try to use the same resource. Example- elks compete for grass Example between populations- different species of trees fight for sun

6 Predator/Prey Predator/Prey relationship
Predator adaptations- speed, ambush prey, and camouflage Prey adaptations- speed (run away), stay in groups, camouflage, warning coloration, and defensive chemicals

7 Coevolution The evolution of two species in close association to each other Example- bat and flower- bat changed with the flower over millions of years

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