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Translating Childhoods

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1 Translating Childhoods
Language, Culture, and Society January 14, 2012

2 Four Corners English should be the official language of the U.S. and learning English should be a requirement for everyone Language is a form of power English will never be out-powered or dominated

3 Four Corners (continued)
People will struggle in the U.S. if they don’t learn English A child translating for a parent/adult is stressful A child translating for a parent/adult is empowering

4 Translating Childhoods
Commercial: What are some initial reactions to this commercial? How do you think the child feels in this situation? The customer service agent? The grandmother?

5 Translating Childhoods by Marjorie Faulstich Orellana
Group 1 What is language-brokering? Do you or someone you know do it? In your own words describe the results of what the researchers found out about those bilingual students who translated most frequently.

6 Translating Childhoods by Marjorie Faulstich Orellana
Group 2: What do metalinguistic competencies and metacultural awareness mean in the context of this article? Have you had experiences that lend themselves to these concepts? How about people that may be close to you?

7 Translating Childhoods by Marjorie Faulstich Orellana
Group 3 The author says that being a translator means that you must be “an active participant, not a passive conduit of words between parties and that translation involves a presentation of self as well as the transmission of information between speakers.” Talk about what this statement means. Do you agree with the author’s view of what the role of a translator is? Why or why not? Can you think of instances in which it would be important for the translator to be more objective and not be “an active participant”?

8 Translating Childhoods by Marjorie Faulstich Orellana
Group 4: How can translating be stressful? Use the article’s examples as well as your own experiences to answer. What does the author say when she “reconsiders” what is behind the stressors in translating? Is this supposition true for any of you?

9 Reflection Question (pick one)
Talk about an experience you had with language brokering. Describe the feelings you had in these experiences. Also describe what kind of relationship you had with other people in the situation. If you have never had an experience of translating have you ever witnessed one? Please describe the situation. Have you ever known someone that needed a translator? Describe the situation and your relation to the person? What was the outcome of the situation?

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