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WEEK #9.

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1 WEEK #9

2 ESSENTIAL SKILLS " tments/education/undergraduate/essential

3 LESSON PLAN DEBRIEF Generally well done
Learning Goals, Success Criteria need to be explicitly communicated in the Minds On and come back in Consolidation to make sure students demonstrate what they were to do Use appropriate words for students (refrain from ”you guys”).

What part do the Learning Skills and Work Habits play in assessment? How are these messaged in the Lesson Plan? (1 or 2 max) What do you do with the information? Refer to G.S. pg. 11 for specific criteria Indicate a sentence why this L.S. is important for the lesson How do we use the Achievement Chart?

5 Anchor Chart for Students to Understand…

After reviewing lesson plans during weeks 1, 2 and 3, Faculty Advisor will select a lesson to evaluate in Week #4 FA will mark and provide feedback to the teacher candidate (based on noted improvement) Feedback will be provided (via checkbric/rubric) and mark by Jan.11/19 or sooner

LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED: Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training curriculum and resource documents, including use of the Provincial Achievement Charts Demonstrate an understanding of basic principles of assessment, evaluation and reporting of student performance which builds upon a community of learners, models the values and vision of the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy; and is directed by the policy document Growing Success, 2010 (Ontario Ministry of Education) Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of balanced and varied assessment on effective planning and instructional strategies.

Rationale: This assignment is intended to support Teacher Candidates in acquiring knowledge and skills around the essential practices of assessment and evaluation. Student artifacts (work samples - no names) will be collected by you during the Fall MAP days, to be discussed in class (pay attention to how the Associate Teacher assessed for understanding of concepts). During the four-week placement T.C.s will create and utilize a number of assessment strategies and tools to add to their repertoire. A key component of this assignment is to develop reflective professional practice over time. Successful completion of this assignment will require demonstration of understanding of assessment “for”, “as” and “of” learning

9 CONT’D Create a document using either Google Docs/Slides or Microsoft Word/PowerPoint or whatever tool you like. Define and provide examples of assessment “as”, “for” and “of” that demonstrate understanding of the terminology. Be explicit with why you chose a particular assessment artifact. Include and classify: 3-4 Assessment “as” student work samples (artifacts) with a description of how and why the assessment was used. What information did the student reflect on and what were his/her next steps? 3-4 Assessment “for” student work samples ((artifacts) with a description of how and why the assessment was used. What information did the teacher get from it and what were the next steps? 3-4 Assessment “of” student work samples ((artifacts) with a description of how and why the assessment was used. How was this evaluation communicated to each of the students?

Include an explanation for the following: How do the artifacts selected reflect or contradict your own values/beliefs about assessment and evaluation of 21st century learners? Explicitly discuss the difference between assessment and evaluation and how they are used in classrooms. Discuss the role of effective feedback in the assessment loop and the role of students in owning their learning. How does a teacher use assessment “as”, “for” and “of” to foster student ownership of his/her own learning? Explain how you might communicate progress to parents and what this would look like. How does planned, purposeful assessment contribute to classroom management? What is your developing philosophy of assessment and how do you envision it occurring in your classroom?

11 CONT’D Submit to D2L BY 8:00 a.m. Jan. 25, 2019
PLEASE NOTE: The report/overview requires mandatory use and reference of course resources such as the Drake (2014) text, Growing Success, Effective Guides and other documents. Specific references should be cited. Include a bibliography using APA format.

YOU SHOULD HAVE ALREADY COMMUNICATED WITH YOUR FACULTY ADVISOR IF … Your Associate Teacher has any unusual teaching assignments that the FA needs to be aware of (example: team teaches with another teacher in a pod setting, or teaches FSL to his/her own class) You do not know what you are teaching the first week

13 MAP JOURNAL (What will FA/FL look for?)
All parts of Journal should now be completed as per page 26 of journal This was your opportunity to hone your observations skills in preparation for teaching block – on-going reflection “in and on” practice is key Bring MAP Journal with Daybook on Jan. 11, 2019

14 D2L Folder for # Review Review Assignments and folders – where to post info Week at a Glance for Week #1 – post as soon as you know what you will be teaching to help FAs/FLs schedule their visits (by Nov. 12 at latest) Week at a Glance for Weeks 2-4 – Post for the designated week(the Saturday before you teach) Hard copy in daybook – fill in what you did in other times adding reflections - Post as “Week at a Glance Nov. 13”) ** If changes to teaching times FA**

15 LESSON PLANS Save as: Your name (Last, first) Subject, Date of lesson
Ex. Smith C., Math, Nov. 15 Posted 24 hours before and hard copy to AT (with your assessment strategy) Make sure you receive AT feedback after lesson taught (if verbal you write feedback on lesson plan) You complete reflections at the end of each lesson daily (use prep time or before/after school to complete) – reflecting “in and on” the moment”. **Respond to one question per box** Any changes to the plan (or change of date of lesson) gets written in but not resubmitted unless major changes

16 LESSON PLANS CONT’D Routines – write up once for the week. Place at the beginning of the week with week at a glance. Daily changes to the routine will be captured in the week at a glance Example: Bell Work (write up one lesson, indicate specifics of each day on week at a glance)

17 OBSERVATIONS FA/FL will spend some time in the classroom reviewing daybook, observing candidate teaching and speaking with AT/TC FA/FL will provide verbal feedback both to TC and AT after observation FA/FL will follow up with written Observation Form - what went well, areas for growth, next steps (things to think about) – copy ed to TC and AT – keep in Daybook FA may wish TC to submit daybook to office for review at the end of placement, Dec. 7th

18 Page 79 of Practicum Guide

19 Formative/Summative Feedback Dates(Nov. 23, Dec. 7)

You will attend a mandatory P.D. session on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 on PPLPs Bring your summative assessment and Post Placement Learning Plan template to first class in January, 2019 for further development PPLP due Mon., Jan. 14, 2019 (you can work on strengths and areas for further development after you receive your summative assessment)

21 Post Placement Learning Plan

Review TC Daybook for thoroughness Communicate with TC and AT Advocate for TC Observe TC lessons and provide feedback Support development of the PPLP Monitor Formative & Summative Assessments Create Letter of Concern if needed (FA only) After reviewing Summative Assessment and all requirements, determine if “Pass” or “Fail” (FA only)

23 January 11, 2019 CLASS BRING: Daybook with completed MAP Journal
Assessment artifacts as part of your daybook Summative Assessment Post Placement Learning Plan

Faculty Advisors/Liaisons will create a schedule of visitations based on your Week at a Glance information We will you and Associate teacher to let you know when we will visit Should you know of a special day and would like to invite us to visit, please do and please give us a couple of days notice

25 REMEMBER TO… Wear your lanyard
Sign in at the office (be there at least 15 min. before beginning of class and 15 at end of the day) Grow your daybook as you go Submit lessons with activities so FA can see what you will be using Communicate absences due to illness directly to AT and office, also to FA Contact your faculty advisor if you have any questions

26 ALSO REMEMBER… Sharing confidential information about students with teachers, parents or other students is prohibited Boundaries – do not be alone with students at any time. Be friendly – not friends Respect student-teacher relationships and do not compromise yourself in any way Ex. “hug me with your eyes”…personal space

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