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CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature

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Presentation on theme: "CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature"— Presentation transcript:

1 CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 16th meeting – 27/03/14 Agenda item 3.1 Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES)

2 2013 Tasks Deadline 1. Finalisation of individual Pilot’s work
September – mid-November 2. JRC « All Pilots Workshop » 18-19 November 2013 3. Finalisation of All Pilots' draft consolidated report December 2013

3 2014 Proposals Deadline Dissemination of MAES 2nd Report on BISE incl. supporting documents February 2014 "Hands-on" JRC-MESEU Workshop on mapping ecosystem services 10-13 February 2014 MAES WG 7 6 March 2014 MAES High-level Conference 22 May 2014 Joint EEA Management Board – ESTAT DIMESA workshop on NCA, Luxembourg 18 June 2014 MAES WG 8 11 September 2014 MAES first delivery End 2014

4 European Ecosystem Map
EUNIS Habitat – Land cover – Reference Data Source: ETC/SIA Dec 2013;

5 European Ecosystem Map
EUNIS Habitat – Land cover – Reference Data Source: ETC/SIA Dec 2013;

6 Mapping pollination gaps in agricultural landscapes

7 MAES High-level Conference 22 May 2014
Opening session Janez Potočnik (EC), Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (EC), Tony Long (WWF), Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, (CBD) Session 1 – Agri & Forest (AGRI-ENV) Session 2 – Freshwater & Marine (JRC-ENV) High-level Roundtable discussion Pavan Sukhdev (TEEB), Julia Marton-Lefèvre (IUCN), Dacian Cioloş (EC), Hans Bruyninckx (EEA), Lisa Emelia Svensson (SE) Session 3 on NCA (EEA-ESTAT) Session 4 on ES & Cohesion (REGIO-RTD) Closing session Director-General Karl Falkenberg (ENV), Nadia Giannakopoulou (Greek Presidency), Mark Demesmaeker (MEP), State Secretary Economic Affairs Sharon Dijksma (NL), Chief Operating Officer Peter White (WBCSD)

8 EU assistance to MS in 2014 - MS to join EU supporting work (EEA, JRC)
- MS training on EU tools for MS (e.g. Quickscan) - MS training at EEA, JRC - MESEU case-studies, mini workshops - Additional Hands On Workshops - FP7 support (e.g. OpenNESS) - Thematic workshops (e.g. forest, agriculture) - Calls H2020 - etc.

9 2015 Deliverables Indicative Deadline SOER 2015 January 2015
Art. 17 Composite Report (inc. Ecosystem status) 1st quarter 2015 Biodiversity Conference/Greenweek 2nd quarter 2015 Mid-Term Review

10 Thanks for your attention!
More about MAES Europa BISE

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