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Life and Epistles of Paul

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1 Life and Epistles of Paul
Day 3 Letter to Romans and “The Collection for the Saints”

2 Third Journey Saul’s Conversion Second Journey Comes to Antioch Pentecost First Journey To Tarsus AD 30 AD34 AD 37 AD 42 AD AD AD 1 Corinthians AD 57 2 Corinthians AD 57 Romans AD 58 I Thessalonians AD 52 (?) Galatians 2 Thessalonians AD 52 Paul was probably born about AD 1, so his age would closely match the dates on this chart.

3 Winter in Corinth 1 Corinthians 16:6 (written from Ephesus) Paul planned to spend winter in Corinth 2 Corinthians 13:1 “I am coming to you.” “When he had gone through those districts…he came to Greece and there he spent three months” – Acts 20:2-3 Eventual plan to go to Rome – Acts 19:21 While in Corinth, he wrote letter to Rome Gaius, his host (I Cor. 1:14; Rom. 16:3)

4 Message of Romans Salvation by Law Salvation by Faith
We are saved on the basis of faith, not on the basis of perfect law keeping. Salvation by Law Salvation by Faith Perfection required Obedient faith required No forgiveness Forgiveness Boasting allowed No boasting Salvation earned Salvation by grace Nobody saved Everyone can be saved Man’s Righteousness God’s Righteousness Practical Applications (Chapters 12-15)

5 “The Collection for the Saints”
First mentioned in I Cor. 16:1-2, written in Ephesus after journey through Galatia Macedonian churches involved (2 Cor.8,9) Purpose: Relieving needs of saints and uniting Jews & Gentiles (2 Cor. 9:12-15) Paul’s future plans – Romans 15:22-29 Concerns: (Romans 15:30-31) -- About “disobedient in Judea” -- About reception of the gift

6 Acts 20:4

7 Well received by brethren (Acts 21:17-20)
Mobbed by unbelievers (Acts 21:27-30) Protective custody by Romans (21:33) Jews determined to kill him (21:34-23:22)

8 Roman Imprisonment Efforts to determine identity and crime
-- Allowed to speak but riot followed -- Examination by scourging aborted -- Trial before Sanhedrin ends in riot -- Plot forces removal to Caesarea Governor Felix holds him 2 yrs. for a bribe New Governor wants to send him to Jer. He appeals to Caesar (Acts 25:11)

9 Third Journey Saul’s Conversion Second Journey Comes to Antioch Pentecost First Journey Caesarea To Tarsus AD 30 AD34 AD 37 AD 42 AD AD AD AD 58-60 1 Corinthians AD 57 2 Corinthians AD 57 Romans AD 58 I Thessalonians AD 52 Galatians (?) 2 Thessalonians AD 52 Paul was probably born about AD 1, so his age would closely match the dates on this chart.


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