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How to fill it out and why…..

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1 How to fill it out and why…..
Job Application How to fill it out and why…..

2 Job application A job application is a form used by most employers to help them identify the qualifications of job applicants. For many jobs, a completed application may be the only requirement necessary for the applicant to be considered for an interview. But even for jobs that require a resume, an application is many times still required since it provides the employer with a standard form that can be used to quickly identify a group of candidates who should be given further consideration for a position. Here are a few suggestions to help you complete job applications:

3 Consider this · If possible, pick up a job application in person and treat it like an interview. Dress appropriately and be on your best behavior. This may be the first time an employer sees you. Make the best of it. · If possible, get two applications - one to use as a rough draft and one to use as a final to return to the employer. If you can't get two applications, make a copy or two for rough drafts. · Before you start, look over the entire application to see what types of information you need. · Follow the instructions carefully and exactly. Many employers use an applicant's ability to follow directions on an application as a screening tool. Get all of your information together so you can complete the application in one sitting. And create a file for yourself to use later since most applications ask for the same types of information.

4 Consider this If an application can’t be filled out online or scanned, use dark blue or black ink to fill it out by hand. · Be neat. Use your rough draft to determine what you want to say. Don't return an application with crossed out words. · If a question requires more room than is provided, complete your answer on a separate page and attach it noting on the application to "see the attached statement". · Answer all questions. If a question does not apply to you, write NA (not applicable) in the space. · Always be honest, accurate and thorough. · When asked about accomplishments, give specific examples not general statements. Don't say "I ranked high in my class" - say "I was 12th in my class". · Check all spelling and grammar. · Keep a copy of the final application for later reference.

5 Consider this If possible, deliver your application in person and treat it like an interview just as you did when you picked it up. Dress appropriately and be on your best behavior. This is another chance for you to look good.

6 Answer the following Kirk has had two jobs since graduating from high school and has been fired from both for being chronically late for work. Kirk wants to make a fresh start so he is filling out an application for an orderly position at a hospital. Shown below is a question from the application. Kirk feels that if he answers “Yes” truthfully, he will never get a chance. “Have you ever been disciplined or discharged for misconduct, unsatisfactory service or been forced to resign from any position?” [ ] Yes [ ] No If “Yes” explain your answer. How do you think Kirk should handle this application question? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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