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Welcome to CHORUS! Thomas Jefferson Middle School Chorus Program

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CHORUS! Thomas Jefferson Middle School Chorus Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CHORUS! Thomas Jefferson Middle School Chorus Program
Christian Banach Back to School Night Tuesday, September 28, 2017 7:00 pm

2 Christian Banach, teacher
Welcome to CHORUS! Christian Banach, teacher B.A., Providence College M.Mus.Ed., Central Connecticut State Arlington Honors MS Chorus Director Performance highlights: Operas La Boheme & Carmen Back up singer, Kenny Rodgers

3 Music is I.B.! Music is an international subject and performance of music is universal Students can explore the world and learn about other cultures Students put into practice many of the Learner Profile traits as part of an ensemble

4 Classroom Policies Students should be on time and prepared for class
No one is to prevent others from learning Food, candy, gum and drinks are prohibited in the chorus room Always respect the feelings and property of others

5 Grading Policy Approx.10 assignments per quarter, each worth 10% of the quarter grade Each assignment will fall under one of the four IB Arts Criteria categories: A: Knowledge & Understanding B: Application (Performance) C: Thinking Creatively D: Responding All summative assessments are graded using the IB Rubric scale of 1 (lowest) to 8 (highest). Other formative assessments may be assigned in order to monitor students’ learning throughout the quarter.

6 Upcoming Events Thurs., Oct 26st – PTA Harvest Festival – all invited
Sat., Oct 28th - District Honors Swanson MS (grades 7-8) Thurs., Nov. 2rd – Arlington Honors Chorus Auditions @ Kenmore MS 5-8 p.m. (6,7,8 grade) Wed., Nov. 8th – Wakefield Pyramid Concert (grades 7-8) Wed., Dec 13th – Winter

7 Please email if you have any additional questions:
Thank YOU!!! Questions? Please if you have any additional questions:

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