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Presentation on theme: "GEOSPATIAL TOOLS FOR MONITORING CENSUS COVERAGE A case study"— Presentation transcript:

UNSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information Amman, Jordan, February, 2015 GEOSPATIAL TOOLS FOR MONITORING CENSUS COVERAGE A case study Dr ROBERTO BIANCHINI Interuniversity Research Center for Sustainable Development Population, Health and Geographic Information Systems Section

2 Overview Rationale of the geospatial tool Case study Objectives
Field organization Use of mobile telephones WebGIS application NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

3 Rationale The main objective of a census operation is to ensure as much as possible full coverage In most of traditional censuses the period of enumeration varies from 1 to 15 days Need to establish monitoring tools for data collection to ensure high levels of coverage Monitoring responsibility is traditionally assigned to field supervisors, but no control from the NSO during enumeration Need to develop a real time monitoring tool accessible centrally from the NSO Need to develop procedures for data checking in the post- enumeration phase NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

4 A case study: Albania Objectives
To develop a Web Service Infrastructure for the population and housing census in Albania To monitor the progress of data collection during the enumeration period To support census field staff for orientation in the field To ensure almost real time monitoring of data collection activities in remote by the NSO HQ To report and facilitate public acceptance and participation to the census process NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

5 A case study: Albania Field organization of the 2011 census
1 Enumerator responsible for 1 EA 1 Controller responsible for monitoring and supervise 5 Enumerators 1 Supervisor responsible for monitoring and supervise 6-7 controllers Controller area: area assigned to 1 Controller Supervisor area: area assigned to 1 Supervisor EAs About Controller areas About 350 Supervisor areas NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

6 A case study: Albania Use of mobile telephones
Enumerators, Controllers, Supervisors were provided with a sim card associated to their personal IDs Field staff could communicate free of charge during the enumeration period Each day Enumerators had to report via sms to a toll-free telephone number: no. of dwellings, households, individuals enumerated The mobile operator was transferring every day to the NSO HQ the data received the previous day by sms This data was uploaded on the WebGIS application developed for the monitoring of census coverage The census staff at the NSO HQ and supervisors were accessing to the application in remote via web NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

7 A case study: Albania WebGIS application
Published in the web as a map service Accessible with a password NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

8 A case study: Albania WebGIS application (cont.)
Available data Name of the territorial unit queried Percentage of the census units covered for the selected unit Expected number of dwellings based on the pre-listing Number of dwelling visited until the query date Number of households interviewed until the query date -Number of persons interviewed until the query date Data accessible at levels of supervisor areas - controller areas - EAs, or by administrative units and grids NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

9 A case study: Albania WebGIS application (cont.)
Progress of data collection by EA, in relation to the expected number of persons in that EA NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

10 A case study: Albania WebGIS application (cont.)
Progress of data collection by Controller areas assigned to the same supervisor NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

11 A case study: Albania WebGIS application (cont.)
Query based on administrative units NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015

12 Thank you! Questions, comments?
NSD-AITRS Regional Workshop on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, Amman, February, 2015


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