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S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity

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1 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
Morning registration mathematics activity Aligned to the Renewed Framework for Mathematics Stoke-on-Trent Primary Maths Team

2 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
WHAT IS IT? 10 mathematics questions per day based on the Renewed Framework for Mathematics. Questions 1-5 consolidate maths from the previous unit. Questions 6-10 are based on the previous year’s coverage of the next unit (following Block sequence A B C D E). This will support you in pitching the learning appropriately for the next unit and gathering evidence for APP. WHAT IS IT NOT? SODA is NOT intended to be used during any part of the daily mathematics lesson. It is an ADDITIONAL resource to support the CONSOLIDATION of learning which has taken place previously.

3 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
WHEN? During the registration period at the start of the day. Pupils could record their answers in a ‘SODA’ book. Go through the questions and discuss strategies the children used with the pupils during registration. Ensure that you model the correct mathematical vocabulary and always encourage the children to use it correctly. HOW? Use SODA as it stands or personalise the questions for your pupils by adapting / replacing them.

4 Councillors on Line Year 4, Block E, Unit 1 Questions based on Year 4, Block D, Unit 1 Questions based on Year 3, Block A, Unit 2

5 Monday 10th November 2008 = ? Explain to your partner how you completed this calculation. 2. Can you find another way to write 3kg? 3. Which is heavier, 3100g or 3kg? 4. Explain your answer to your partner. 5. I need 120g of flour. So far I have 54g. How much more do I need? 6. What is the value of the 6 in 768? 7. How much will 9 apples at 14p each cost? 8. Compare your answer and your methods with your partner. 9. Continue the sequence:24, 34, 44, __, __, __, 10. Explain to your partner how to estimate the answer to Year 4 Block E Unit 1

6 Tuesday 11th November 2008 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E
1. Copy and label the 6 x 6 grid. 2. Shade squares to create a shape. 3. Using the grid locations, describe your shadings to your partner for them to recreate. 4. Listen to your partners description and recreate their shape. 5. How close were you? 6. Continue the sequence: 63, 53, 43, __, __, __, 7. If you were to continue the sequence what would the next number be? 8. What number is 100 less than 356? 9. 5 x 3 = ? 5 x 6 = ? 10. Explain how you can use the answer from 5 x 3 to help with 5 x 6. 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E Year 4 Block E Unit 1

7 Wednesday 12th November 2008 = ? Explain to your partner how you completed this calculation. 2. How could you check your answer is correct? 3. How much time do you spend sleeping each night? 4. Two planks of wood measure 57cm and 74cm. What is their total length? 5. Can you find another way to write 400g? 6. What is the value of the 7 in 768? 8. Can you suggest any strategies that might be useful when completing the above? 9. Would this be useful when calculating 78 – 19? 10. What number is 100 more than 356? Year 4 Block E Unit 1

8 Thursday 13th November 2008 Find the cost of:
1. ½kg of grapes and 1 pineapple? 2. 2kg of bananas and 1kg grapes? 3. I have a £10.00 note and I buy 500g grapes, 3kg of bananas and 3 pineapples. What change will I get? 4. The time is now 9:00am. What time will it be in 3 hours? 5. What time was it 3 hours ago? 6. Begin at 15 and count on in 100’s to 815. 7. Two numbers add up to 10. They have a difference of 2. What are the numbers? 8. I have 32p. A magazine costs 50p. How much more money do I need? 9. Continue the sequence:23, 25, 27, __, __, __ = Create 3 more number sentences to show 63. £1.25 per Kilo £2.70 per Kilo 56p each Year 4 Block E Unit 1

9 Friday 14th November 2008 1. Can you find another way to write 0.5kg?
2. How long is it until Christmas? 3. What time is it now? 4. What time will it be in 40 minutes? 5. How long are you at school each day? 6. Complete the table by rounding to the nearest 10 and 100. 7. Why does 67 become 70 to the nearest 10? 8. Why does 249 become 200 to the nearest 100? 9. Why does 23 become 0 to the 10. How can rounding numbers help when calculating? Number To the nearest 10 To the nearest 100 267 270 300 782 459 249 67 23 Year 4 Block E Unit 1

10 Monday 17th November 2008 1. Read the weights of the scales.
2. Which is heavier? 3. Calculate the difference between the two weights. 4. Add the two weights together. 5. How many more grams are needed to make 1kg? 6. Count on in 10’s from 47. What digit changes? 7. Why does the 7 not change? 8. What is 6 + 7, , ? 9. What is 8 – 5, 80 – 50, 800 – 500? 10. Explain how you found the answers to questions 8 and 9. Year 4 Block E Unit 1

11 Tuesday 18th November 2008 1. Complete the table. 2. When might this
knowledge be useful? 3. Multiply 6 by 10. 4. Multiply the answer to question 6 by 10. 5. What is the value of the 6 now? 6. Multiply 6 by 100. 7. What is the value of the 6? Explain why this is the same answer as question 8. Grams Kilograms 3400 3.4 4.2 200 0.2 600 3800 725 0.725 0.474 Year 4 Block E Unit 1

12 Wednesday 19th November 2008 1. Copy the 4 by 4 grid.
2. Label the horizontal rows 1,2,3,4. 3. Label the vertical columns A,B,C,D. 4. Place a cross in square B2 5. Move the cross 2 squares north and 1 square west. Write the new position of the cross. 6. A piece of ribbon measures 76cm. I cut off 38cm. How long is the ribbon now? = Explain your answer. 8. I am thinking of 2 numbers with a difference of 9. Write a calculation to show this. 9. Find two more pairs of numbers with a difference of 9. 10. Two children share 56 sweets. One child gets 10 more sweets than the other. How many sweets does each child get? Year 4 Block E Unit 1

13 Thursday 20th November 2008 1. Put these weights in order, lightest to heaviest: 3kg, 300g, ½kg, 2.5kg, 850g, 85g, 8.5kg, 85kg 2. Discuss with your partner how you ordered them. 3. Were any of them difficult to order? 4. Why? 5. Which would you prefer, ¼ kg of sweets or 200g? Why? 6. What is the value of the 8 in 768? 7. What number is 10 times more than 35? 8. Count on in 4’s from 0 to 32. 9. Find the difference between 62 and 38. 10. There are 6 boxes of pencils. Each box holds 5 pencils. How many pencils are there altogether? Year 4 Block E Unit 1

14 Friday 21st November 2008 1. I put a pie in the oven at 4:35pm. It takes 50 minutes to cook. What time will it be ready? 2. Put these times in order, earliest to latest: 14:26, ¼ to 3pm, 23 minutes past 3pm, 20 minutes to 2pm, 2.35pm 3. Create a time line from 7am to 7pm. 4. Mark on the timeline: start of school, playtime, lunchtime and home time. 5. Add to your timeline the time: you get up, have breakfast, watch tv, play with friends, any other regular activities. 6. 6 x 2 7. 6 x 4 8. Explain how you can use the answer from question 6 to help with question 7. 9. A cake box hold 4 cakes. How many boxes are needed to hold 35 cakes? 10. I am thinking of a number. I double my number and add 8. My answer is 38. What was my number? Year 4 Block E Unit 1

15 Monday 24th November 2008 sweets 80p Chocolates Liquorice Allsorts Lollipops per 100g £1.20 per 100g p per 100g p each How much does it cost for: g sweets and 3 lollipops. 2. 100g chocolates and 100g liquorice allsorts. g liquorice allsorts and 200g sweets. 4. If I pay with a £5 note what change will I get? 5. What can I buy for £3.50? 6. Create 3 more word problems using the ‘sweetshop’ above. Year 4 Block E Unit 1

16 Tuesday 25th November 2008 1. I pay £3.60 for a rail ticket. How much change will I get from a £5 note? 2. A square playground has a perimeter of 100m. What is the length of one of the sides? 3. There are 219 boys and 312 girls in a school. What is the total number of pupils? 4. What is the difference between 217 and 145? 5. Jan is 9 years old. Her mum is 32. How much older is Jan’s mum than Jan? 6. Estimate the number of stars in the rectangle. 7. Count the number of stars. Was your estimate close? Year 4 Block E Unit 1

17 Wednesday 26th November 2008 1. How much does it cost to hire a rowing boat for 3 hours? 2. How much does it cost to hire a motor boat for 45 mins? 3. Sasha pays £3.00 to hire a motor boat. She goes out at 3:20pm, what time must she return? 4. I hire a motor boat for 1hr 30mins. I pay with a £10 note. How much change will I get? 5. How much would it cost for Chris and Joe to hire two rowing boats for 2 hours? Choose a 2 digit number From Box A and Box B. 6. Total the numbers. 7. Find the difference. 8. Multiply a ‘box A number’ by 7. 9. Divide a number from Box A by 7. What is the remainder? Year 4 Block E Unit 1

18 Thursday 27th November 2008 1. How many children went sailing in May, June and July? 2. How many more children went walking in June than climbing in June? 3. How many children went climbing in July? 4. How many activities were completed in May? 5. How many more activities were completed in June? 6. What is the sum of 20 and 12? 7. What is the product of 20 and 12? 8. What is the difference between 20 and 12? 9. I am thinking of two numbers with a difference of 6. What numbers could they be? 10. Create your own ‘I’m thinking of a number’ sentence. Year 4 Block E Unit 1

19 Friday 28th November 2008 1. Tina buys two cards.
One card has code AA, the other has code DD. How much does Tina pay? 2. She pays with a £5 note. How much change will she get? 3. Omar buys a card. He pays with a £2 coin and gets 45p change. What is the code on his card? 4. How many CC cards can I buy with £10? 5. How much change will I have? 6. Draw the shapes. 7. Use the clues to colour in the shapes. Red is not next to grey. Blue is between white and grey. Green is not a square. Blue is on the right of pink. Year 4 Block E Unit 1

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