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Listening VY_32_INOVACE_AJ_1_57

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Presentation on theme: "Listening VY_32_INOVACE_AJ_1_57"— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening VY_32_INOVACE_AJ_1_57
Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/ Název projektu: Zlepšení podmínek pro vzdělávání na SUŠ, Ostrava Listening VY_32_INOVACE_AJ_1_57 Multiple choice with pictures

2 Before listening What can you do before the listening to get ready?
Read the task carefully. Underline key words.

3 Task 1 Have a look at page 2 of the worksheet and underline the key words. 1 – man - tomorrow 2 – man – travel home 3 – man – want for birthday 4 – Nicole - tonight

4 Before listening 2 What can you do before the listening to get ready? Have a look at the pictures and try quickly to say to yourselves what you see. In words – not in sentences!!!

5 Task 2 Have a look at page 2 of the worksheet. What can you see in the pictures? 1 – forest – sea/beach - mountains 2 – train – plane – bus/coach 3 – PC – mobile /smart phone – CD/music 4 – hospital– restaurant - concert

6 TIPS This will help you to get ready, activate vocabulary and concentrate on a specific thing. It can also reduce stress because you know what to expect.

7 During first listening
What should you do while you listen for the first time? Get a general idea what they are talking about, who it talking about and when. Usually you can very quickly cross out one of the opions.

8 Task 3 Listen to 25 secons of the recording for task 2. Which option can you cross out? C – was supposed – bus – unfortunately – cancel – ice on motorway

9 TIPS This will reduce the number of options to only 2.
If you can already make a guess, do it.

10 During second listening
What should you do while you listen for the first time? If you already think to know the correct answer, check it. If not, concentrate on the two remaining options and the make the guess.

11 TIPS They usually talk about ALL the options so DO NOT GET INFLUENCED by the first one you hear!!! This is by the way only rarely the correct one – but still sometimes it is. Use all the time – reading of instructions you know, parts of recording when you already know the answer – to get ready for the next task.

12 Task 4 Now listen to the whole part 1 and choose the correct options.
2B 3B 4A

13 Zdroje CERMAT: Anglický jazyk: základní úroveň obtížnosti: cvičný poslech. (testový sešit) CERMAT: Anglický jazyk: základní úroveň obtížnosti: cvičný poslech. (CD)

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