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America’s Role Today’s Effects

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1 America’s Role Today’s Effects
The Age of Imperialism America’s Role Today’s Effects

2 Objective: To understand how the United States moved into the role of a world power and to recognize the long-lasting effects of that shift. What makes a nation a “world power”?

3 Colonization vs Imperialism What’s the difference?
Colonialism is where one nation takes control over some other territory. The “colonial era”, generally, begins with Columbus and fades out after WWII. Imperialism refers to the control itself… political or economic control, either formally or informally. The “Age of Imperialism”, for the US, begins soon after the Civil War and ends with WWI. I TAKE (colonize) to CONTROL (imperialize).

4 Why might a newly formed US struggle with the decision to take new territory?
Our founding values were centered on liberty and freedom for common men. If we say we are for freedom, how can we, in good conscience, take freedom from others? … so, how did we justify seizing territory beyond our original 13 colonies?

5 Manifest DESTINY… Solves the Moral Dilemma It isn’t taking if its supposed to belong to you anyway!

6 How do you justify expanding control beyond the continent?
Alaska Purchase (1867)… “hey they were practically begging us to take it off their hands”! Justification: Economic and Political… vast resources, keeps Brits from gaining territory or fighting Russia Hawaii Overthrow of the Republic (1893)… “we really needed it… strategically” Justification: Political… and economic. Defending freedom requires strategic advantage against competition. Rich American businessmen had friends in high places.

7 Spanish-American War (1898)… “they were asking for it” Philippines, Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico
Justification: Political, Economic, and Social… Liberation of persecuted peoples from the hands of a tyrannical government. Sugar! (Anti-Imperialist League) Panama Secession from Columbia (1903)… “the world WILL have this cannal” Justification: Political and Economic… eminent domain! i.e. it was for the benefit of the world

8 The Industrial Revolution changed EVERYTHING!
“Whose gonna buy this stuff”? Rapidly growing American Industrial production seeks new overseas markets (expansionism) “How will we stop the other guys from pushing in on our turf”? This one can and does lead to war! (Spanish-American War for example) “We sure are great… be like us.” The attitude that we are not imperialists, but liberators was and is very common… it’s the foundation of the debate over the very existence of an “American Empire” today.

9 To Summarize: Global competition and national ambition led the United States to expand our control beyond our continent often using the justification of defending liberty and supporting universal values. Still today, we engage in expansionist policies. We encourage nations to adopt our economic, political, and social values.

10 Some Key Questions: In what ways have American economic, political, and social values effected the world today? Can you categorize the following images as examples of POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL American influence in the world? …










20 Its just easier to show you where you can’t get a Coke…

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