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New HOPE Vocabulary.

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1 New HOPE Vocabulary

2 Ferry A boat used to carry people, cars, and goods across a narrow body of water.

3 doe A female (girl) deer.

4 Material made from the skin of an animal.
leather Material made from the skin of an animal.

5 brisk As in…. “ I went for a brisk walk this evening.”
Quick and lively. As in…. “ I went for a brisk walk this evening.” Antonyms – slow, leisurely,

6 A small building used for storing things.
shed A small building used for storing things.

7 fabric Cloth We make our clothes from fabric.

8 plains An area of flat land.

9 Using throwaway items for another purpose.
recycling Using throwaway items for another purpose.

10 Plural of citizen: a person who lives in a city or town.
citizens Plural of citizen: a person who lives in a city or town.

11 Past tense of adopt: to take care of as your own.
adopted Past tense of adopt: to take care of as your own.

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