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Replicating Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)

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Presentation on theme: "Replicating Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Replicating Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)
IB Internal Assessment 2018

2 In a moment, you will see a series of 21 words displayed one at a time, each on anew slide.
You will see each words for approximately one second Following the last slide you will see a slide that says ‘start writing now!’ ! When you see that slide write down as many of the words as you can remember, you may write the words in any order. You will have up to 5 minutes to complete this task

3 thing

4 depth

5 heart

6 mood

7 church

8 guest

9 wood

10 loss

11 speech

12 king

13 hair

14 height

15 town

16 gate

17 truth

18 scene

19 phone

20 mode

21 flight

22 lake

23 month

24 Start writing now! You have a maximum 5 minutes

25 You will now see another list of 21 words, one per slide shown at a rate of one per second
At the end of this list you will perform a simple maths task. You will be given 30 seconds and you must ‘mark’ as many sums as possible in that time. If the sum is correct write a tick, if it is wrong write a cross Make sure you write the number of each sum before writing your tick or cross You will then have another 5 minutes in which to recall the second set of words, again this can be n any order.

26 pie

27 poet

28 hat

29 fact

30 death

31 spoon

32 bird

33 bean

34 plug

35 love

36 wife

37 art

38 chair

39 song

40 truth

41 meat

42 son

43 clothes

44 ad

45 science

46 breath

47 You now have 30 seconds to mark as many sums as you can from the following slide

48 (34+7) – (22+4) = 15 (36+3) - (17+5) = 16 (49+6) – (32+9) = 14 (84-3) + (35-6) = 112 (26-7) + (45+3) = 68 (56-4) - (12+7) = 33 (67-8) + (13-2) = 75 (88-5) + (65-8) = 140

49 Start writing now! You have a maximum 5 minutes

50 You have now completed the study.
Please look at the words that you remembered from list one. How many of the following words were on your list: Truth Scene Phone Mode Flight Lake Month Give yourself a score out of 7 Work out your percentage

51 Please look at the words that you remembered from list two.
How many of the following words were on your list: Truth Meat Son Clothes Ad Science breath Give yourself a score out of 7 Work out your percentage

52 Pp Control Condition Experimental condition 1 7/7 5/7 2 3/7 3 4/7 6/7 4 5 6 2/7 7 8 9 10 1/7

53 Church Speech Height Phone Month Depth Heart Mood Thing Guest Wood
A line graph to show the ‘frequency’ of words free recalled dependent upon their position in a 21 item list Church Speech Height Phone Month Depth Heart Mood Thing Guest Wood Scene Mode Town Truth Flight Gate Loss King Hair Lake Frequency of recall

54 Title? Number of words recalled from final third of the list (words 15-21) Immediate free recall Recall delayed from 30 seconds whilst conducting an interference task

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