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Mendelian and non mendelian epigenetics

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Presentation on theme: "Mendelian and non mendelian epigenetics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mendelian and non mendelian epigenetics
What is epigenetics? Mendelian and non mendelian epigenetics Why fungi?

2 1500 MY Hedges et al., 2004

3 Blair et al., 2005


5 Ascomycota Saccharomycotina, Hemiascomycotina Archiascomycotina,
Taphrinomycotina Pezizomycotina MY Ascomycota


7 w+ w- su wv e

8 su wv Su(var)205 HP1

9 Homology silencing Dosage compensation (XX-XY ) Post-transcriptional
Imprinting Transvection Paramutation Rip and Mip Homology silencing Post-transcriptional Gene silencing Co-suppression RNAi Silencing in ciliates Quelling Meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA




13 Dikaryon DNA replication Caryogamy, synapsis First division Second division

14 Caryogamy, synapsis First division 6:2 segregation

15 Dikaryon DNA replication Caryogamy, synapsis First division Second division

16 4:4 segregation Dikaryon DNA replication Caryogamy, synapsis
First division Second division

17 0:8 segregation Dikaryon DNA replication Caryogamy, synapsis
First division Second division


19 Sau3A GATC not GATC* MboI GATC and GATC* HpaII CCGG not CC*GG MspI CCGG and CC*GG

20 Ascobolus immersus

21 met2+t…met2+ r met2+t…met2+ r revertant from 7 met2+tmet2+ r Sau3A GATC not GATC* MboI GATC and GATC*

22 Two general models for premeiotic phenomena

23 Two putative DNA methylases in Ascobolus immersus

24 b2 X



27 Masc1 are they methylases? RID

28 There is a fundamental conceptual
difference between RIP and MIP: MIP is a genuine epigentic phenomenon, RIP is directed mutation!

29 Unsolved problems of RIPand MIP:
Are there other premeiotic phenomena? What is the nature of the homology recognition system? Can a transcript be involved? How does (in RIP) mutation trigger methylation? Why and how is methylation (in MIP) triggered in the absence of mutation? How general is the phenomenon? Archeological evidence for RIP in organisms without methylation and/or without sexual cycle.


31 qde-1 RNA dependent RNA-polymerase: ego1 and rrf1 in
qde RNA dependent RNA-polymerase: ego1 and rrf1 in Cænorhabditis elegans, SD1/SGS2 in Arabidopsis thaliana, RprA in Dictyostelium discoideum qde Rec Q-like helicase: ? qde argonaute family: rde1 of C. elegans, AGO1 in A.thaliana, aubergine and piwi in D. melanogaster

32 QDE3 QDE3+ TOP aRNA, hpRNA QDE1 gene transcript QDE2 dsRNA Dicer



35 par-1, a Gene Required for Establishing Polarity in C
par-1, a Gene Required for Establishing Polarity in C. elegans Embryos Encodes a putative Ser/Thr Kinase that is Asymmetrically Distributed Su Gou and Keneth J. Kemphues, Cell, Vol 81,


37 mir172 apl2 Wt apetala mir172 overexpressed

38 Gene silencing Anti-transcript Gene (DNA) Transcript Transcript (RNA)
Double stranded RNA RNAi Machinery Transcript (RNA) Protein Gene silencing


40 QDE3 QDE3+ TOP aRNA, hpRNA QDE1 gene transcript QIP QDE2 (argonaut) dsRNA Dicer

41 Transvection model Lonely gene model

42 Transvection model Lonely gene model

43 Sad: a RNA dependent RNA polymerase similar to QDE1
SMS2: a protein of the argonaut family



46 aRNA ? gene transcript dsRNA SAD-1 SMS-2 Dicer SML3, (DCL-1)


48 How general is post-transcriptional silencing?

49 “Q” pathway “M” pathway
RNA pol QDE SAD-1 absent RrpB Dicer DCL-2 (M. grisea) DCL-1(SML3) DclB DclA Argonaute QDE SML2 RsdA PpdB

50 RNAi is almost universal
What about quelling? and MSUD?

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