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What force?????.

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Presentation on theme: "What force?????."— Presentation transcript:

1 What force?????

2 What force? What force causes things to fall to the ground?

3 What force? What force causes you to stand on the Earth and not float away?

4 What force? What force causes the tides here on Earth?
….the moon’s __________ force

5 What force? What force causes you to weigh less on the moon than you do on Earth?

6 What force? What causes your weight to be different on each planet?
Your challenge: Suppose you had a mass of 80kg… would you weigh more or less on the planet Jupiter? What would your mass be?

7 What Force? What force causes the moon to orbit around Earth?

8 What force? What force causes Earth to orbit around the Sun?

9 What force? What force causes all of these planets to orbit around the sun?

10 Gravity!

11 Why does every planet have gravity
Why does every planet have gravity? Every planet has gravity, because EVERYTHING has gravity! Even you do! All matter in the universe has gravity. The bigger something is, the more gravity it has. The earth has strong gravity, but the sun is much bigger and has much stronger gravity. You also have gravity much, much, much smaller than the earth, so your gravity is very small. That's good or else things would be sticking to you!

12 Gravity and how it formed our solar system
Stephen Hawking - Formation of the Solar System - YouTube


14 Scoring Guide - Score Point 4

15 Guide - Score Point 4

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