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Leaving the Minors Behind

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1 Leaving the Minors Behind
Core Curriculum Lesson

2 Pretest 1. Minor infractions do not involve an agenda signing a. True b. False 2. The majority of all students in your grade level will have a major infraction at least once this school year. a. True b. False 3. Respect can be shown by both my words and my actions. 4. Being unprepared for class can result in an agenda signature.

3 What is the difference between Major and Minor Infractions?
Question What is the difference between Major and Minor Infractions?

4 What are some of the Couch Middle School rules?
Question (cont.) What are some of the Couch Middle School rules?

5 RAMS Refer to chart

6 What were the Minors? Directions Disruption Disrespect Prepared

7 Marking agendas the same way and now assigning a number to the behavior incidence

8 What are the Minors now? Disrespect Defiance Disruption
Physical contact/Physical Aggression Tardy Inappropriate Language Property Misuse Dress code violation Technology Violation Other

9 Let’s Put Some EXTRA focus on:
Disrespect Defiance Disruption Following directions (Other)

10 Disrespect “I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” Jackie Robinson We have all seen examples of giving both respect and disrespect in our school. What examples of disrespect have you seen? Why do people show these signs of disrespect?

11 Disrespect (cont.) Showing respect for others at school means:
Keep hands, feet and objects to self Listen attentively to the person speaking Use appropriate volume and tone with my voice Use kind words and positive body language Here is where number 6—Inappropriate language comes in

12 Defiance Also Know As (AKA): disobedience
What are some examples of defiance that happen at school?

13 Disruption Dictionary definition: Definition for school:
“disturbance or problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process” Definition for school: disturbance or problems that interrupt learning Think about your favorite TV show or sporting event on TV…

14 What does following directions look like to you?
If you misuse technology and/or school property are you following directions? Dress code is considered to be a direction that you must follow…therefore, not following the dress code is not only disrepectful, but also not following directions

15 Example, Almost There, or Non-Example?

16 Example, Almost There, or Non-Example?
(5) Tardy; (3) disruption)

17 Example, Almost There, or Non-Example?
(1) disrespect; (10) Other—sleeping in class

18 Example, Almost There, or Non-Example?
Technology (9) and dress code (8)

19 Example, Almost There, or Non-Example?

20 Example, Almost There, or Non-Example?

21 Example, Almost There, or Non-Example?
(6) Maybe using inappropriate language; (1) disrespect; (3) disruption

22 RAMS Think of one thing that you have done, observed another student do, or plan to do in the future in order to be one of the successful RAMS at our school.

23 Post-test 1. Minor infractions do not involve an agenda signing.
a. True b. False 2. The majority of all students in your grade level will have a major infraction at least once this school year. 3. Respect can be shown by both my words and my actions. 4. Being unprepared for class can result in an agenda signature.

24 Take Away? What will you take away from today’s lesson?

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