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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Today’s Agenda Introductions Warm-up Exercise Syllabi Class Rules
Expectations My Idiosyncrasies

3 Introductions About Me

4 Warm-up Exercise Bio Poem

5 Syllabi See Handout

6 Class Rules My Rules Your Rules Don’t Prey On Other Students ?
The Three R’s – Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions. Don’t Prey On Other Students Your Rules ? A few possible topics to ponder – Homework, Tests, Quizzes, Seating. Bathroom Breaks, etc…

7 Expectations What you can expect from me What I expect from you
Always Fair Always Available Always Respectful Will Always Follow Class Rules The Occasional Bad Joke What I expect from you Do Your Best Ask If You Do Not Understand Be On Time Follow Class Rules Be Respectful

8 Idiosyncrasies TTYN Do Now Pair and Share Listen Up Campfire

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