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Stakeholder Reference Group

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1 Stakeholder Reference Group
18th September 2018

2 Welcome David McNulty Transformation Board Chair

3 This evening’s objectives
Understanding more about how the Surrey Heartlands programme is progressing Hearing more about our new perinatal mental health service launching on 1st October Summary and next steps

4 This evening’s agenda An update on the Surrey Heartlands programme and priorities New Surrey Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service Final questions/reflections 8.00 pm - close

5 Programme update David McNulty

6 What’s happened since we last met
Woking Family Hub – agreement with Woking BC to fund a large retail space in Woking for a children/ families hub to include health, social care, mental health services as part of our Better Births programme Opportunity to access up to £6 million over the next three years for our digital strategy, as part of the Government’s drive to accelerate digital technology across the NHS Identified as the nominated area/pilot in the South East to receive £150,000 to support a system-wide approach to pharmacy and medicines management With a further £6 million of transformation funding for local initiatives for 2018/19 Transformation funding will support initiatives such as: Developing a patient portal Further support to our cardiovascular prevention programme Supporting shared decision making Our planned care work programme

7 What’s happened since we last met (2)
Held our first Workforce Summit last week focused on: Building capability in our workforce How we up-skill our colleagues and work/think differently to increase our capability as a system How we can work smarter, creating more capacity for us to deliver the best possible care to patients – looking at the wellbeing of our staff and different techniques’ in treating patients Reducing demand on our workforce How we can prevent ill health through prevention and promote wellbeing including projects such as Make Every Contact Count (MECC How we can care for patients differently – including the use of Artificial intelligence (AI)

8 What’s happened since we last met (3)
Now have a joint Memorandum of Understanding with all our partners – a summary and commitment of how we will work together – which will also be signed by the voluntary, community and faith sector in October We have also started to align our workstreams with Surrey County Council’s 2030 transformation programme And are responding to the Government’s announcement of a new funding settlement for the NHS over the next five years through engagement with NHS England’s long-term plan

9 Developing an integrated system
Through our devolution agreement, we are developing our specialist integrated commissioning role (across health and social care) to maximise benefits for local people across the wider Surrey Heartlands footprint Whilst continuing to develop our locally - based Integrated Care Partnerships - alliances of local health and care organisations, including the boroughs and the voluntary, community and faith sector - across the current CCG areas And at a more local level still, developing primary care networks across local populations of around 30-50,000

10 Surrey Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service
Dr Abigail Crutchlow

11 Background Specialist perinatal mental health has been identified as a national priority (Five Year Forward View for Mental Health, Better Births, Closing the Gap) 30,000 additional women to receive access to specialist support by 2020/21: closer to home available when they need it offers a range of specialist community or in-patient care inclusive of psychological therapies

12 Timeline In Spring 2018 NHS England funding released - £23M available nationally for developing community perinatal teams in areas of need SABP successful in obtaining 1st year funding with view to recurrent funding via STPs from 2019/20 In addition we received funding from NHS England South East to support mobilisation of the Surrey perinatal mental health service The service is due to ‘go live’ 1st October 2018

13 Service Geography The service spans 4 CCGs across Surrey Heartlands & Frimley STP footprints: Guildford and Waverley, Surrey Downs, North West Surrey and Surrey Heath

14 Service Aims & Objectives
Locally available - across GP/hospital/postcode boundaries Supportive - providing a range of evidence based interventions for those with mental health needs; Preconception Antenatal Postnatal Responsive - to needs of mother, baby and their relationship Innovative - to needs of hard-to-reach families Considerate - calm environments for interventions for mothers and babies and to build peer support networks

15 Service Model One service operating from two team bases;
South-West Surrey team – SABP Trust HQ, Leatherhead North-West Surrey team – Unither House, Chertsey Align with maternity services Appointments in a range of locations Antenatal clinics, children’s centres, GP surgeries Capacity for home visits Potential for joint obstetric/midwifery clinics

16 Where will we be seeing families?
Antenatal clinics Epsom General Hospital Frimley Park Hospital Royal Surrey Hospital St Peter’s Hospital Children’s centres River View Woking Orchard Home visits

17 Referrals Referrals will be from healthcare or allied professionals
Standardised referral form and single point of referral to dedicated perinatal mental health inbox Daily triage by clinicians within the team Response to referrals within 7 days Where referrals not felt appropriate for the team advice or signposting will be offered

18 Who is in the Team? Psychiatrists Mental health nurses Psychologists
Occupational therapist Social worker Nursery nurses Administrators Peer support workers

19 Outcome Measures (1) We will collect demographic data at a CCG/STP level which can feed into National Data as required We will also monitor compliance with national targets for areas such as: the number of women receiving treatment waiting times for treatment and assessment number of women having a pre-birth planning meeting by 32 weeks

20 Outcome Measures (2) In line with National recommendations we will also assess clinical impact through outcome measures including: Clinician-rated outcome measures - CROMS HoNOS (Health of the Nation Outcome Scale) CGI (Clinical Global Impressions Scale) Patient-rated outcome measures - PROMS CORE-10 (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation) Patient-rated experience measures - PREMS POEM (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters) Friends and Family Test Your Views Matter

21 Table Exercise What are your initial thoughts and feelings about the new perinatal service? What aspects would you say matter most to the families using the service?

22 CONTACT: Surrey perinatal mental health Team:

23 Future meeting dates for 2018
Tuesday 20th November: 2.00 – 4.00 pm, Leatherhead Leisure Centre Focusing on developments in primary care

24 Thank you for your contribution
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