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Civilizations of Southeast Asia

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1 Civilizations of Southeast Asia
Preview Main Idea / Reading Focus Influences on Southeast Asia Map: Southeast Asian Kingdoms Early Kingdoms and Empires Visual Study Guide / Quick Facts Video: The Impact of Chinese Culture on Japan

2 Civilizations of Southeast Asia
Main Idea The early civilizations of Southeast Asia were influenced by geography and the cultures of India and China. Reading Focus What factors influenced early civilizations in the region of Southeast Asia? What early kingdoms and empires developed in Southeast Asia?

3 Influences on Southeast Asia
India and China shaped the development of civilization in the region of Southeast Asia. Geography and trade also played important roles. Southeast Asia divided in two parts—mainland Southeast Asia, and island Southeast Asia Mainland—modern nations of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, part of Malaysia Island—Sumatra, Borneo, Java, rest of Malaysia, Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore Two Parts of Southeast Asia Several rivers flow south on mainland Valleys, deltas of rivers supported farming, home to early civilizations Separating rivers, rugged mountains, limited contact among people Islands surrounded by seas, straits; provided sources of food, travel, served as trade routes Geography


5 Trade Southeast Asia waterways, main trade routes between India, China Two most important: Malacca Strait between Malay Peninsula, Sumatra; Sunda Strait, between Sumatra, Java Control of these, other important trade routes, brought wealth, power Winds Monsoons, seasonal winds, shaped trade Winds blow northeast in summer, southwest in winter Ships relied on monsoons to sail from place to place, often had to wait in port until winds shifted to resume voyage Many Southeast Asian port cities became important economic centers

6 Sea Trade in Southeast Asia
By AD 100s, Indian merchants had begun prosperous sea trade with Southeast Asia Overland trade routes through Central Asia more dangerous after fall of Han dynasty, 220 Seaborne trade between China, India increased Traders passed through Southeast Asia; exchanged goods for local products

7 Traders and Missionaries
India and China Chinese, Indian traders influenced Southeast Asia Indian influence spread through trade, missionaries Indian missionaries introduced Hinduism, Buddhism; many kingdoms adopted the religions, built temples in Indian style Eventually Indians brought Islam; remains strong today Traders and Missionaries Indian ideas on writing, science, government, art spread to Southeast Asia Ancient Indian language, Sanskrit, came into wide use Chinese influences spread by conquest, trade, migration China controlled northern Vietnam at different times, strongly influenced that region Other Influences

8 Identify Cause and Effect
How did trade influence Southeast Asia? Answer(s): Ports became the economic centers of Southeast Asia; Indian and Chinese influence spread to Southeast Asia through trade

9 Early Kingdoms and Empires
Small but Powerful Several early kingdoms, empires arose in Southeast Asia Most small, a few quite powerful Blended influences from India, China to create own unique societies, cultures The Pagan Kingdom AD 800s, Burmans established kingdom of Pagan, in what is now Myanmar Located in fertile Irrawaddy River valley, ideal for rice farming First king, Anawrahta, ruled 1044 to 1077, conquered surrounding areas Conquests 1057, Anawrahta united much of what is now Myanmar under his rule Conquests provided Pagan with access to trading ports Anawrahta’s kingdom prospered

10 The Pagan Kingdom Anawrahta, successors supported Theravada Buddhism, built thousands of Buddhist temples Pagan became center of Buddhist learning 1287, Kublai Khan’s Mongols demanded tribute from Pagan; king refused and attacked; was crushed One of king’s own sons killed him, then agreed to pay tribute to the Mongols Pagan survived, but lost power Today Myanmar people consider Pagan classical age of history, culture

11 The Khmer Empire Indian Influence Rich from Rice
Powerful Khmer empire arose southeast of Pagan, in what is now Cambodia Early 800s, Khmer people began to conquer kingdoms around them, build great empire Empire reached height between 850 and 1250, controlled much of Southeast Asian mainland Expensive building projects, invaders contributed to empire’s decline Khmer Empire reflected strong Indian influence Adopted Hindu, Buddhist beliefs, ruled as gods Empire’s capital city, Angkor, symbolized shape of Hindu universe, temple at its center Indian Influence Built vast temple complexes; Angkor Wat ruins still stand Empire grew prosperous from rice farming Built irrigation system covering 12.5 million acres, grew several crops per year Rich from Rice

12 Trading Kingdoms Trading Kingdoms Sailendra Srivijaya Control Reduced
Several developed on islands of Southeast Asia Kingdom of Sailendra on Java flourished, 750 to 850 Relied on agriculture, trade Sailendra Adopted Mahayana Buddhism, known for impressive Buddhist art, architecture Borobudur monument with terraced levels most famous Srivijaya Wealthy empire on Sumatra, flourished 600s to 1200s Gained wealth from control of overseas trade through Malacca, Sunda straits Also Buddhist learning center Control Reduced 1025, empire attacked by Indian kingdom Empire survived, but weakened Control of trade reduced Islam spread; Muslims came to dominate trade in region

13 Vietnam While most of Southeast Asia was strongly influenced by India, Vietnam was strongly influenced by China. In 111 BC the Han dynasty of China conquered the kingdom of Nam Viet, in what is now northern Vietnam. They ruled the region off and on for the next 1,000 years. Chinese forced Vietnamese to adopt Chinese language, clothing, hairstyles Confucianism, Daoism influenced Vietnamese society Adopted Chinese government features, including bureaucracy Chinese Rule Vietnam embraced Buddhism, but still maintained traditional customs Continued to worship nature spirits alongside other belief systems Chinese rule shaped life in early Vietnam, but people determined to preserve own culture, identity Traditional Customs In hopes of regaining their independence, the Vietnamese sometimes rebelled when Chinese rule grew weak.

14 Rebellion in Vietnam Rebellion Independence Dai Viet
AD 39, one of most famous Vietnamese rebellions took place Two sisters, Trung Trac, Trung Nhi raised army, briefly drove Chinese out Chinese soon regained control; sisters remain heroes in Vietnam today Independence Early 900s, fall of China’s Tang dynasty provided Vietnamese another chance at independence; this time successful 939, established independent kingdom in what is now northern Vietnam Dai Viet Rulers of Dai Viet sent tribute to China, but remained independent Chinese failed in attempts to reconquer Vietnam; 1285, Mongols invaded; Dai Viet prince Tran Quoc Toan defeated them, became a hero

15 Contrast How did the development of early Vietnam differ from the development of kingdoms and empires in the rest of Southeast Asia? Answer(s): was ruled by China; influenced by China rather than India


17 Video The Impact of Chinese Culture on Japan
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