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Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) Guidance

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1 Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) Guidance
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Ivanna M T Anderson Lindsey Fults Charlotte “Nadja” Trez IA :           ivanth123

2 IA

3 NC Demographics 115 LEAs 149 Charters Approximately 300 languages
All with at least 1 LEP 149 Charters 99 with at least 1 LEP Approximately 300 languages Top 5: Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Hmong, Chinese IA

4 LEP Students in NC IA Approximately 100,000 LEP students
North Carolina has seen a tremendous growth in the number of LEP students. The graph shows a small decline in numbers between the and school years due mostly to economic impact. The NC DPI has developed the Federal Data Collection (FDC) site and conducted a data clean up process which may have also led to the decline in numbers. 99 out of 159 charters have LEP Students as of September 2014. ,283, ,385, , 679, ,303, ,925, ,573, ,534, ,725, ,627, ,395, ,912, ,149

5 Rationale The U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (SASA) office, Title III State Consolidated Grant Group monitored the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) the week of October 24-27, This was a comprehensive review of NCDPI’s administration of Title III, Part A, authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended. As a result of this monitoring visit, NCDPI is collecting each LEA/Charter’s Language Instruction Education Programs (LIEP) information.

6 Process Review and discuss the LIEP Guidance and Sample Document
Complete the LIEP chart based on the services offered in your LEA/Charter the completed chart in word format to your assigned ESL consultant by December 15, 2014. Your assigned ESL consultant will follow up with any questions or suggestions.

7 LIEP Guidance and Sample
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8 LIEP Guidance Directions: Using the constructs below, create a LIEP continuum rubric of services for your LEA and/or Charter. Consider the Criteria for determining the category of service, the Context in which services are provided in the LEA/Charter, and the actual Menu/List of Services that correspond to each category of service from the sample list below. Please specify how you are providing LIEP services for ELL/AIG and ELL/EC students.

9 LIEP Guidance Sample LIEP Continuum of Services Categories (NCDPI recommends a minimum of 3 categories of LIEP Services) LIEP Continuum of Services Rubric (Indicate the name your LEA will use for each category or LIEP Services) *NCDPI recommends the utilization of multiple data sources and data reflective practices.

10 LIEP Guidance Criteria to determine the category in which each ELL is “placed” Range of English Language Proficiency Levels (Domain specific and/or overall proficiency levels), Years in US Schools, First Language literacy, Previous Schooling (interrupted/continuous), Grade level expectations (Struggling/meeting/exceeding), Meeting HS Graduation Requirements, Recommendations by former teachers, Grade (PreK, K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) Other (please specify) Context/Resources Itinerant teachers, low incidences, Teacher/Student Ratio Menu of Services* (include frequency of services) Supplemental Computer Programs, Tutors (ESL/Content), Sheltered Instruction, Co-Teaching, Pullout ESL, Content-based ESL, Newcomers Program, Teacher/Student Coaching, District/Student LEP Plan, Small Groups, Peer Tutoring, Teacher Assistants, ELL related PD for content teachers, Appropriate Scheduling, Targeted Instructional Modifications/Accommodations (LinguaFolio, SIOP, ExC-ELL, relevant data analysis, use of supplemental materials, etc.) Others (Please specify)

11 LIEP Sample

12 ESL Wikisite
Carolina TESOL November, 2012

13 Contact Information Regions 4, 5 and Charters Ivanna M T Anderson ESL/Title III Consultant NC DPI Regions 1, 2, 3 Lindsey Fults ESL/Title III Consultant NC DPI Regions 6, 7, 8 Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL/Title III Consultant NC DPI

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