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Other Arthropoda.

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1 Other Arthropoda

2 Water Mites Small, often brightly colored, especially red
Cephalothorax is small, making the abdomen the only visible segment Common in shallow littoral zone among aquatic plants Adults are mostly piercer-predators on small dipterans and microcrustaceans Larvae are external parasites especially on larval midges and mosquitoes Have a very complex life cycle

3 Order Isopoda: Sow Bugs
Secretive; found in shallow water Omnivorous Eggs held in marsupium

4 Order Amphipoda: Scuds,Sideswimers
Laterally compressed Most abundant in the absence of fish Negatively phototactic Omniovores Eggs and young are brooded in marsupium Some are subterranean

5 Order Decapoda: Crayfish and Shrimps


7 Fairy Shrimp

8 Order Ostracoda: Clam Shrimp

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