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The Devils Lie.

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1 The Devils Lie

2 “Ye shall be as gods knowing good
and evil” True or false? Truth mixed with lies-they would know but also be enslaved to evil. Lesson-You don’t need to experience evil to know it. God knows but not by experience! By sinning they actually lost the ability to discern. God knows evil by separating himself from it.

3 Satan also meant they could
then determine good and evil for themselves. God said that man had become like the persons of the Trinity and assumed what belongs to him-the right to determine good and evil. So God could not let them live in eternal open rebellion-he gave sentence and debarred them from tree of life and Eden.

4 Devil and deception-some of his favourites
Do this, enjoy it, don’t worry about consequences. Some examples? David’s adultery. Ananias and Sapphira’s lie. But ALWAYS consequences. All false teaching and religions, and ultimately the rise of antichrist (II Thess.2:11) Necessity of TRUTH…Remember Pilate’s question, “What is truth?” TRUTH INCARNATE was standing in front of him (John 14:6). The answer-”Thy word is truth”

5 Can you think of some of Satan’s most popular lies?
If it feels good, do it! Being a Christian is dull and boring! Christians don’t enjoy life! Do it just this once! Won’t hurt anyone else? And I have never hurt anyone in my life, God must accept me, I’m a good person. Your parents know nothing. You only live once! Eat, drink and be merry! The Bible is a dead boring book! Church is boring and irrelevant! All Christians are hypocrites. Sex outside marriage is fine if you really love someone! All religions are the same.

6 John 3:14-15 They only serpent people had to look at so as to live.
We are commanded to look in repentance and faith to Christ on the cross for salvation

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