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Identifying and Classifying the Galaxies of the High Redshift Cluster 2192 Patricia Mutunga (with Fana Mulu) Advisors: Eric Wilcots Marc.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying and Classifying the Galaxies of the High Redshift Cluster 2192 Patricia Mutunga (with Fana Mulu) Advisors: Eric Wilcots Marc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying and Classifying the Galaxies of the High Redshift Cluster Patricia Mutunga (with Fana Mulu) Advisors: Eric Wilcots Marc Verheijen

2 Introduction Motivation The project Conclusion Acknowledgement
Outline of talk Introduction Motivation The project Conclusion Acknowledgement

3 Motivation Eric Wilcots - NSBP-students conference
Marc and Eric - mini lectures Questions :How do galaxies form? Do clusters form from field galaxies? Have they evolved significantly since their formation? Is their morphological type an indication of their age?

4 Introduction This project entails the search for, and study of, galaxies in the rich cluster of galaxies Abell 2192 at very large distances ( i.e. at High Redshift).

5 Abell 2192

6 Photometric parameters
CCD mosaic image of Abell 2192 FLOW CHART FOR DATA PROCESSING Geometric parameters Master Table! Photometric parameters Morphologies GIPSY/ellint External knowledge SExtractor Separate stars & galaxies Basic sample of 221 galaxies GIPSY/ellfit GIPSY/copy 221 “postage stamp” images CCD Image of Abell 2192 courtesy of ( Marc Verherjen) GIPSY/blot Remove stars & other galaxies

7 The Project CCD mosaic image of Abell 2192 - courtesy of Marc
Executed SExtractor To separate the stars and galaxies Basic sample of 221 galaxies copy feature in GIPSY to make “postage stamp” images Blot feature in GIPSY to remove tars and other galaxies GIPSY and ellfit fitted in ellipses onto the galaxies to get geometric parameters GIPSY and Ellint to get photometric parameters External knowledge-atlases and text books: morphologies All the steps led to The Master Table!


9 Ellint

10 Examples LP in B band LP in R band

11 Geometric Parameters and Photometric parameters
• GIPSY and ellfit fitted in ellipses onto the galaxies to get geometric parameters • GIPSY and Ellint to get photometric parameters • External knowledge-atlases and text books: morphologies • All the steps led to The Master Table!

12 Luminosity Profiles

13 Luminosity Profiles

14 Magnitude and Colour graph

15 Radio detection

16 Conclusions Our objective was reached. I learned a lot!

17 Acknowledgements Thank God Thank Eric and Marc Fana too!
All the REU students!

18 copy feature in GIPSY to make “postage stamp” images
Blot feature in GIPSY to remove tars and other galaxies GIPSY and ellfit fitted in ellipses onto the galaxies to get geometric parameters GIPSY and Ellint to get photometric parameters External knowledge-atlases and text books: morphologies All the steps led to The Master Table!



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