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First Meeting Psychology 207 September 21, 2009

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Presentation on theme: "First Meeting Psychology 207 September 21, 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Meeting Psychology 207 September 21, 2009
Welcome to Stanford! First Meeting Psychology 207 September 21, 2009

2 Introductions! Tell everyone a little bit about yourself
Where you’re from Personally and/or scientifically What you’ve done research on Your thoughts about what you want to be doing research on

3 The Department Tradition of excellence
Basic science with real-world implications Outstanding graduates who have shaped their disciplines Tversky Maccoby Anderson Steele

4 Five Interconnected Areas
Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience Personality, psychopathology and affective science Social

5 A few words for our president, John Hennessey
“Make the most of your journey”

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