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Path to Constitutional Monarchy…and Beyond!

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1 Path to Constitutional Monarchy…and Beyond!
The French Revolution Path to Constitutional Monarchy…and Beyond!

2 National Assembly Makes Reforms: The August Decrees - 1789
Abolished remains of feudalism Repealed tithe Did away with the special privileges of 1st & 2nd Estates

3 Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen – 1789
Stated that all people were equal before the law (although women not granted equal rights!)

4 Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen – 1789
Granted freedom of speech, press & religion Protected citizens against arbitrary arrest & imprisonment

5 Olympe de Gouges Proposed a Declaration of the Rights of Women
Wanted social & political equality for women

6 Olympe de Gouges Wanted marriage to be a contract of equals
Rejected by the National Assembly Declared an enemy an of the revolution & executed Did not apply to women

7 The King Escapes?!?! The king refused to accept new reforms and/or the Declaration of Rights Attempted to escape France; planned to go to Austria-Hungary

8 The Forced Move to Paris!!
King/royal family apprehended & forced to move to Paris National Assembly also moved to Paris

9 National Assembly Confiscates Church Lands to pay off debt – 1790

10 Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Placed the French Catholic Church under government control Turned clergy into elected & paid officials The Pope condemned these actions so the Assembly required an oath of loyalty to government

11 Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Peasants, who were mostly Catholic, disliked the Assembly’s actions – RIFT! Church lost lands & political independence – no more separation of Church and State!

12 Constitution of 1791 Kept monarchy, but limited royal powers - Constitutional Monarchy!! Set up a unicameral legislature – the Legislative Assembly Stripped the king of much of his authority

13 Constitution of 1791 King reluctantly accepts the limited monarchy
BUT people didn’t trust the king – many pushed for a REPUBLIC (citizens elect the leaders)

14 Political Factions & Seating in the Legislature
Radicals Conservatives Moderates right left center Wanted to end monarchy - wanted a republic; change!! Wanted king to share power with legislature; some change!! Favored Limited Monarchy; no change!!

15 Émigrés Nobles who fled France
Plotted to overturn the revolution & restore Louis XVI & Old Regime Tried to convince the rulers of Prussia/Austria to smash the revolution or their OWN rule would be threatened!

16 War With Austria-Hungary
French Revolutionary leaders feared that Austria would try to reinstate Louis XVI Austria-Hungary threatened the French Revolution

17 War With Austria-Hungary
France declared war on Austria in 1792 Proclaimed that the war advanced the cause of liberty in France War threw France into total upheaval

18 Angry Mobs Attack! August 1792: Paris crowds attacked king’s palace – killed the royal guards King & family fled to Legislative Assembly for protection, but the radicals voted for their imprisonment

19 2nd Revolution: Radicals Seize the Assembly!
Radicals took over assembly & called for a National Convention to create a NEW constitution!! Marks the end of the Constitutional Monarchy & the beginning of the 2nd revolutionary gov’t...

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