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Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems

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1 Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems
Chapter 4 Chapter 5.1

2 Cardiovascular/Circulatory System
Function – transports materials to and from your cell Components 1. Blood a. Four parts * Red Blood Cells (RBCs) -most abundant - deliver O2 and remove CO2 using hemoglobin * White Blood Cells (WBCs) - destroy pathogens * Platelets - pieces of larger cells - aid in forming blood clots * Plasma - fluid part of blood - mixture of water, minerals

3 Blood Vessels 1. Arteries a. direct blood away from the heart b. Thick, elastic walls with a layer of smooth muscle 2. Capillaries a. smallest vessel in the body b. wall is only 1 cell thick c. blood cells pass through single file 3. Veins a. direct blood back to the heart b. thinner walls than arteries c. valves

4 Respiratory System Respiration – process by which a body obtains and uses O2 and gets rid of CO2 and water. 2 Parts: 1. Breathing – inhaling/exhaling 2. Cellular respiration – chemical reactions that release energy from food Respiratory System – Nose – primary passageway into & out of system Pharynx – common area known as the throat. Both food and air pass through Larynx – voice box containing vocal cords. Air flows between vocal cords causing vibration and sound Trachea – passageway for air traveling from the larynx to the lungs Bronchi – trachea splits into 2 tubes; one to each lung Lungs – bronchiole branches to form thousands of air sacs called alveoli. Capillaries surround the alveoli and gas exchange occurs here.


6 How do you breathe??? - your lungs do not contain muscle - breathing is done with the muscle found in the ribs and diaphragm

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