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Properties of Matter.

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1 Properties of Matter

2 How Do we Classify Matter?
Physical Chemical Can be determined without in any way changing its identity May be extensive or intensive . Extensive: Depends upon how much of a particular sample you have on hand. Ex: mass, weight, volume Intensive: Does not depend on the size of a sample. Ex: Color, odor, luster Can be determined by its ability to be changed into a new and different substance. Ex: Ability to burn, ability to react with air

3 Sort the following into Physical (extensive or intensive) or Chemical property
Combustibility Mass Malleability Melting point Solubility Conductivity Ductility Ability to rust Boiling point Abiltity to tarnish Denisty Flammability

4 Check your answers: Mass (extensive) Malleability (intensive)
Physical Chemistry Mass (extensive) Malleability (intensive) Melting point (intensive) Solubility (intensive) Ductility (intensive) Boiling point (intensive) Density (intensive) Combustibility Ability to rust Ability to tarnish Flammability

5 Density Intensive physical property
Quantity of matter in a given volume Density=mass/volume D=m/v The density of a solid or liquid is expressed in grams/milliliter (g/ml) The density of a gas is expressed in grams/liter (g/l) Changes in temperature and pressure will affect the density of a gas more than a liquid , more than a solid. (gas laws)

6 What is the density of 12. 00 ml of sulfuric acid with a mass of 22
What is the density of ml of sulfuric acid with a mass of grams? Solution: D=m/v D= g/12.00 ml D= g/ml

7 A sample of marble has a mass of 41. 2. It’s density is 2
A sample of marble has a mass of It’s density is 2.56 grams/cubic centimeter. What is the volume? Solution: D=m/v 2.56 g/cc=41.2g/V V= 41.2/2.56 V= 16.1 ml

8 Charcoal has a density of 0. 40 grams/ cubic centimeter
Charcoal has a density of 0.40 grams/ cubic centimeter. Calculate the mass of the sample with a volume of cubic centimeters. Solution: D=m/v M=D x V M= .40 g/cc x cc M= 85 grams

9 Specific gravity The ratio of density of a substance to that of a standard (usually water) Specific gravity= D substance (g/ml)/D water (g/ml) Specific gravity= Number (no units) D sample > D water (1 g/ml) the sample sinks D sample < D water (1 g/ml) he sample floats

10 In a cooler which cans would you find on top –diet coke or regular coke?

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