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Day One: Analyze the clues

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1 Day One: Analyze the clues
Look at the clues you were given People/Animals: What do their expressions tell you? Where are they? What are your first impressions of them? Footprints/pawprints – What kind of animal is it? What kind of shoe was worn? Size? Left or right foot? Doors: Front? Back? Opened? Why is it open? Broken into? Cars: What happened to it? Why is the door open? Room: Which room is it? (Bedroom, Livingroom, etc) What adjectives would you use to describe the room? What do you think was taken? What was someone looking for? Objects: What is it? What condition is it in? How did it get that way? Who damaged it? How would this fit in a story? Could this be a weapon in Shoes: What kind of shoe is it? What condition is it in? How did it get that way? Who would it belong to? How does it fit in your story? Handprint: Where is it? Does the size indicate a man or a woman? How was it made? (greasy hand, made in dust) Figure out how these things would fit in a crime. Decide on your crime.

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