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Business Alliance for Water and Climate Jean-Pierre Maugendre Sustainable Development Deputy Manager – SUEZ 04/04/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Alliance for Water and Climate Jean-Pierre Maugendre Sustainable Development Deputy Manager – SUEZ 04/04/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Alliance for Water and Climate Jean-Pierre Maugendre Sustainable Development Deputy Manager – SUEZ 04/04/2018

2 Water resources facing more and more scarcity risks throughout the world
In 1950, world water resources were estimated to approx m3 per person and per year. Due to the strong demographic growth coupled with industrialization, urbanization and agricultural intensification, it decreased to m3 per person and per year in 1995. It should decrease to less than m3 in (source : Eurostat). 500 millions of people already leave in severely and permanently water-stressed areas (source : Sciences Advanced 2016)

3 The growing commitments of States to consider water in their Nationally Determined Contributions to the UNFCCC Country Water target (adaptation component of NDC) China Optimize allocation of water resources by implementing afferent regulations Improve water management in agricultural sector Develop research and development of technologies in the field of wastewater reuse and desalination India Integrated management of water resources: increase by 20% the efficiency in water use Recharge subterranean water with rainwater Access to water and sanitation (ODD 6) Indonesia Plans of resilience of territories facing the consequences of climate change Morocco Connection rate to the sanitation network of 80% in 2020 and 100% in 2030 Sanitation of 100% of wastewater in 2030 Reutilization of 50% of wastewater in 2030 Mexico Guarantee a fair management of water for all usages (agriculture, domestic consumption, industry) More than 90% of NDCs with an adaptation component published during COP21 took into account water 17/01/2019

4 The growing awareness of private companies in terms of water related risks and opportunities
45 % of European companies integrate water related risks from their value chain in their strategies 42 % of European companies identify water management as a business opportunity 17 % of European companies have achieved or are achieving the targets as set-out in their water strategies (Source : CDP European Water Report, 2017 – 106 respondents)

5 A skyrocketing water market driven by circular economy
The digital solutions´ world market for cities and the industry should represent 27,5 billion euros per year in 2021, i.e. a 8 billion dollars increase compared with 2016 (Source : Global Water Intelligence, October 2016) The market for smart water networks should almost triple during the period by going from 2,4 to 6,6 billion euros per year (Source : Global Water Intelligence, October 2016) 1.3 billion smart water meters should have been installed in the world by 2025 (Source : Navigant Research, October 2016).

6 THE BUSINESS ALLIANCE FOR WATER AND CLIMATE : A JOINT INITIATIVE LED BY SUEZ, CDP, CEO WATER MANDATE and WBCSD Launched on December 2nd 2015 during the Resilience Day of COP21 within the Lima-Paris Action Agenda Endorsing companies are committing to one or several of the following levels of ambition: Analyze and share water-related risks to implement collaborative response strategies Measure water footprint with existing standards Reduce impacts on water availability and quality in direct operations and all along the value chain

7 BAFWAC Key Facts 4 founding partners (steering committee): SUEZ, CDP Global Compact of the United Nations (CEO Water Mandate), WBCSD 65 participants: private companies, NGOs, business organizations, research institutes / learning centers 49 signatory companies representing a total aggregated income of 650 billion US dollars from the 5 continents Some national BAFWAC sections in progress : Morocco (COALMA), Italy, France ? Nigeria ? 3 fields of action: Applying the principles of the circular economy to water management Enhancing the resilience of the agriculture/food value chain Promoting natural infrastructure 1 operational objective: achieving 100 signatories by 2018 (global stocktake) representing $1 trillion revenues

8 BAFWAC first signatories

9 49 BAFWAC’s current signatories companies
Tongaat Hulett Ltd UDYAMA Unilever VEOLIA Villavicencio North American Trade Company s.a. Vitens NV Weir Capacity Woolworths Holdings Ltd Sony Corporation Cadire Cameroon Association Veragon Water Solutions Since 11/2017 : 360 Environment consultancy, Fujifilm

10 BAFWACs 2017 Achievements Collaborative platform
Web-Based Peer Learning and Collective Action Platform project, in link with Global Alliance for Water and Cimate Global BAFWAC’s members survey on progress on 3 levels of ambition, in link with CDP Water program

11 Some good practices to be highlighted
Water footprint of the value chain Engie is developing a water footprinting calculation for each kilowatt hour of electricity that the power utility produces, and for each power plant in extremely water-stressed areas, allowing it to assess the supply chain water risk

12 Some good practices to be highlighted
Water footprint of the value chain Danone carries out extensive community and stakeholder engagement to ensure continued access to water resources, and to avoid reputational exposures. It ensures its subsidiaries have tools in place for stakeholder engagement processes, works with local communities on projects such as creating nature reserves, and it participates in a major watershed protection program in San Juan, Mexico

13 Some good practices to be highlighted
Circular water management

14 Some good practices to be highlighted Natural Infrastructure
Suez has designed in 2016 the rehabilitation and expansion of the discharge constructed wetland (36 ha) at the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park, the largest petrochemical platform in Asia The Dragonfly Zone is an artificial wet area able to be placed downstream of the wastewater treatment plant and in which the development of biodiversity contributes towards combatting micro-pollutants, limiting their diffusion into fresh or salt water source

15 BAFWACs roadmap to 2019 Catalyze and facilitate effective water action
Technical workshops and webinars have already been held Best practice information and dissemination platforms have been created or are underway Monitoring and tracking of progress against commitments is underway Collaborative action opportunities identification at national, basin or local level are underway

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