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Monitoring of groundwater bodies Monitoring of point sources Connections and differences Dietmar MÜLLER Federal Environment Agency - Austria.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring of groundwater bodies Monitoring of point sources Connections and differences Dietmar MÜLLER Federal Environment Agency - Austria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring of groundwater bodies Monitoring of point sources Connections and differences
Dietmar MÜLLER Federal Environment Agency - Austria

2 Groundwater Monitoring
MONITORING OBJECTIVE WHY ? MONITORING DESIGN WHAT ? (e.g. Which pressures are faced, which impacts and which pollutants may occur ?) WHERE ? (e.g. How to establish a groundwater monitoring network ? Density and distribution of monitoring sites ?) HOW ? (e.g. Which sampling and analytical methods should be applied ?) WHEN ? (e.g. Duration and frequency of observations and samplings ?

3 Water Framework Directive ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES
NO DETERIORATION CLAUSE Art. 4 (b) ‘MS shall implement measures necessary ...’ (i) to prevent or limit the input of pollutants into groundwater and to prevent the deterioration of status of all bodies of groundwater (ii) to reverse any significant and sustained upward trend in the concentrations ... resulting from human activity ANNEX V 2.4.4: ‘The calculation of trends shall be undertaken for a groundwater body or a group of groundwater bodies ...’

4 ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES define Monitoring Tasks
WFD Art. 4 (b) (i) subsequently necessary measures: to control the input of pollutants into groundwater locally (point sources) and to control the status (‘overall health’) of all bodies of groundwater

5 Groundwater Management Combined Monitoring & Assessment Procedures
Resource (Pathway) Receptor Pressure (Source) Chemicals Concen-trations Fate Transport Exposures versus Toxicity Monitoring of point sources Monitoring of groundwater bodies

6 Point sources Plume behaviour
Expanding plume t2 Stable plume t1 t2 t1 Shrinking plume t2 t1 Exhausted plume distance Based on Weidemeier et al, 1999

7 POINT SOURCES Monitoring Network
Background (A) Source (B) Plume (C-G) Migration (H-J) H G F E D C B A J I Extent of dissolved contaminant plume Monitoring borehole Design considers receptor location travel times stratigraphy & hydrogeology NO minimum number

8 POINT SOURCES Monitoring Design Considerations
Does monitoring network allow plume to be defined, as well as background conditions ? Are appropriate horizon(s) being monitored ? Are sufficient monitoring data available to define seasonal and mid-term trends ? Are right parameters being measured and to an adequate degree of accuracy e.g. parent and daughter compounds, electron acceptors, hydrochemical indicators ?

9 Diffuse sources Pollution Pattern
Dilution t2 t1 t1 Accumulation t2 t1 Transfer t2 t2 t1 Stable and/or non-uniform time Based on Weidemeier et al, 1999

10 GROUNDWATER BODIES Monitoring Network Monitoring sites Groundwater
body Plumes of point sources

11 GROUNDWATER BODIES Monitoring Design Considerations
Does monitoring network provide a coherent and comprehensive overview of groundwater status within a river basin / groundwater body ? Is appropriate horizon being monitored ? Are sufficient monitoring data available to define mid- to long-term trends ? Are right parameters being measured and to an adequate degree of accuracy e.g. core parameters, contaminants (parent and daughter compounds) ?

12 GROUNDWATER BODIES & Multiple point sources

13 Groundwater bodies & Multiple point sources Monitoring Network
Monitoring sites Point sources & plumes Groundwater body

14 Monitoring Design Point sources vs. Groundwater bodies
FACTORS geology hydrogeology contaminant(s) known impacts receptor(s) system dynamics & travel times size of plume or monitoring areas regulatory requirements DESIGN ISSUES how many and location of boreholes borehole construction/ depth which parameters e.g. contaminant breakdown products indicators (DOC, NO3, ...) duration and frequency of monitoring ? environmental standards ? [costs] similar different

15 Point Sources Point of Compliance
Aggregated data of a borehole Limit Values

16 Groundwater bodies ‘Compliance of Aquifers’
aggregated results of all monitoring points ! THRESHOLD VALUE good status

17 Assessment of Monitoring Results
Application of Environmental Standards THRESHOLD VALUES: concentrations ! mass flows ?! Emission limit values? Threshold values Associated aquatic ecosystems & dependent terrestrial ecosystems ! Limit values WRRL aus Richtlinienentwurf zur ökologischen Gewässerqualität hervorgegangen. Erster Entwurf im Jahr 1997 vorgelegt Beschluss im Rat am , nur Dänemark enthielt sich der Stimme Obwohl gerade erst in Kraft getreten, befasst sich die LAWA schon seit einiger Zeit in zahlreichen Arbeitsgruppen intensiv mit der Thematik.

The monitoring approaches for point sources and groundwater bodies refer to the same objectives consider the same factors differ in intensity and detail are analysed differently Monitoring approaches tuned together will support coherent assessment results !

19 Monitoring of groundwater bodies Monitoring of point sources Connections and differences

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