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Number sequences- PowerPoint ELGs

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1 Number sequences- PowerPoint ELGs
This powerpoint can be used to support the teaching of ‘Number’ targeted towards the early learning goals.

2 Teaching tips: This can be used to recognise simple number sequences and patterns. Read the numbers in the number line out loud, which number is missing? Now explain that they must choose one of the numbers below to fill in the missing gap. Can they explain the answer and give reasoning? This will help assess their understanding of place value.

3 11 12 13 14 15 10

4 18 15 12 9 4 20

5 6 9 12 20 1 16

6 10 8 6 13 5 3

7 5 9 3 11 13 16

8 1 4 7 9 10 12

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