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The Alliance for Malaria Prevention Behavior Change Communication Workshop for Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Net (LLIN) Scale Up to Universal Coverage.

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Presentation on theme: "The Alliance for Malaria Prevention Behavior Change Communication Workshop for Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Net (LLIN) Scale Up to Universal Coverage."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Alliance for Malaria Prevention Behavior Change Communication Workshop for Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Net (LLIN) Scale Up to Universal Coverage and Use Bamako, Mali 21 – 24 September, 2010 Claudia Vondrasek and Anna McCartney-Melstad Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs 1

2 I. Why Communication Plans? II. Hypothetical Scenarios-Gowanda and Taifaja I. Budget Considerations I. Components of Communication Plans 2

3 3 AMP BCC Workshop Bamako September 2010 Why develop a Communication Plan for your mass distribution? What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing a Communication Plan for your mass distribution? Why? Why? Why?

4 4 AMP BCC Workshop Bamako September 2010 60% of households own at least 1 net but government wants to add 2 nets per household to reach universal coverage targets Use was 35% for children <5 and 28% for pregnant women with seasonal variation 60% urban/40% rural 45% literacy rate Typical family size=7 1 national TV station, access is 85%, access to radio 98% No real community social structures 40% IPTp 2 Whats the campaign objective? Whats the communication priority? Opportunities? Hang up Support? Hypothetical Scenario-Gowanda

5 5 20% of households own at least 1 net but government wants to reach universal coverage targets using vouchers Use was 5% for children <5 and 3% for pregnant women with seasonal variation 30% urban/70% rural 50% literacy rate Typical family size=8 Access to TV is 15%, access to radio 85% Lots of NGOs/CBOs operating in community health Health centers widely used Low malaria education Whats the campaign objective? Whats the communication priority? Opportunities? Hang up Support? Hypothetical Scenario-Taifaja

6 6 Budgeting for Gowanda and Taifaja

7 7

8 8 AMP BCC Workshop Bamako September 2010 Budget Considerations 1.Coordination (meetings) 2.Advocacy 1.VIP visitors 2.Media and publicity materials/tools 3.Press conference 4.Journalists training 5.Launch event(s) 3.Social Mobilization & BCC 1.Training of Trainers and Volunteers 2.Training guides/materials, job aids, tally sheets, monitoring forms 3.Radio/TV spots and airtime 4.Print material design, pretesting, production and dissemination/transport 5.Pre-campaign communication 4.Post-Campaign Reporting 1.Printing and dissemination of final campaign report

9 9 AMP BCC Workshop Bamako September 2010 Components of a Communication Plan 1. Context/Background 2. Objectives: a. Overall Campaign objectives b. Communication objectives for the campaign 3. Target Audiences 4. Key Message (pre-campaign, registration, distribution, and post campaign) 5. Communication Channels 6. Tools/Materials needed 7. Timeline of activities 8. Budget

10 10 Questions?

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