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Ch 8 States of matter Bellringer:

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1 Ch 8 States of matter Bellringer: 1. What happens to particles of liquid water to make ice? 2. What happens to particles of liquid water to make steam? Discuss in terms of particle movement, addition or removal of energy, and change of state

2 Ch 8 States of matter Explain that matter has properties that are determined by the structure and arrangement of its atoms. Illustrate the particle arrangement and type of motion associated with different states of matter

3 Section 1: Three States of matter
1. Three most familiar states of matter: Solid, liquid, gas 2. State of matter: physical form in which a substance can exist 3. Matter is made up of _____ and _____. Atoms and molecules 4. Particles do not move fast enough to overcome strong attraction between them…solid 5. particles move independently of each other…gas 6. Particles close together but can slide past one another...liquid 7. Particles close together and vibrate in place...solid 8. Particles move fast enough to overcome nearly all attraction between them...Gas

4 Section 1: Three States of matter
9. The particles of matter that make up a solid: A. have a weaker attraction than those of a liquid B. do not move at all C. do not move fast enough to overcome the force of attraction Move from place to place 10. what is a solid? State of matter that has definite shape and volume 11. how are particles in a crystalline solid arranged? Orderly, 3D. Repeating pattern of rows

5 Section 1: Three States of matter
12. how are particles of amorphous solid arranged? No special arrangement, each particle in one place, not arranged in rows 13. how do particles of liquid allow pouring juice in glass? Particles move quickly, slide past each other, take shape of container 14. Beaker and cylinder each with mL. What about properties of liquid? Change shape but not volume 15. liquids form spherical droplets because of… Surface tension Water has lower than ___ than honey. Viscosity

6 Section 1: Three States of matter
17. what is a gas? State of matter with no definite shape or volume 18. how can one tank of helium fill 700 balloons? Helium is compressed in tank. Helium Expands and atoms spread out when it enters the balloon.

7 Section 2: behavior of gases
1. state of matter of helium: Gas 2. measure of how fast particles in an object are moving: Temperature 3. why is more gas needed to fill helium balloons on a cold day? Particles of gas in balloon will have less energy, will not push as hard against walls of balloon 4. amount of space object takes up: Volume 5. volume of any gas depends upon the size of the ___. container

8 Section 2: behavior of gases
6. amount of force exerted on a given area: Pressure 7. why does the basketball have greater pressure than the beach ball? Basketball contains more particles of gas in same volume. Force on inside surface increases, produces greater pressure 8. lifting piston on cylinder of gas shows that when pressure of gas A. increases, temperature increases B. decreases, volume increases C. decreases, volume decreases D. increases, volume increases

9 Section 2: behavior of gases
9. all of the following remain constant for charles’ law except: A. type of piston B. amount of gas C. volume of gas D. pressure 10. relationship between volume and pressure of gas is called: Boyle’s law

10 Section 2: behavior of gases
11. weather balloons are only partially inflated before release into atmosphere. Why? As balloon rises, pressure of gas decreases as volume increases. Balloon would pop if it were completely filled before being released. 12. Putting a balloon in a freezer is one way to demonstrate: Charles’ law (decreasing temperature of gas decreases volume) 13. relationship between volume and temperature of gas when pressure remains constant: Charles’ law

11 Section 3: changes of state
1. which has the most energy: A. particles in steam B. particles in liquid water C. particles in ice D. particles in freezing water 2. when a substance changes from one physical form to another, we say the substance has had a(n): Change of state 3. list the five changes of state: Melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation, sublimation

12 Section 3: changes of state
4. could you use gallium to make jewelry? No, gallium’s melting point is lower than human body temp…it would melt in your hand. 5. temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid is the ___ of the substance. Melting point 6. melting is considered a(n) _____ changes because energy is gained by the substance as it changes state. Endothermic

13 Section 3: changes of state
7. a substances‘s _____ is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a solid. Freezing point 8. what happens if energy is added or removed from a glass of ice water? Energy added = melting Energy removed = freezing 9. freezing is considered a(n) _____ change because energy is removed from the substance: Exothermic 10. change of substance from liquid to gas: evaporation

14 Section 3: changes of state
11. change of state from liquid to gas when vapor pressure equals atmospheric pressure: Boiling 12. pressure inside bubbles of a boiling liquid: Vapor pressure 13. temperature at which a liquid boils: Boiling point 14. as you go higher above sea level, _____ decreases and _____ of a substance gets lower. Atmospheric pressure

15 Section 3: changes of state
15. change of state from gas to liquid: Condensation 16. at a given pressure, the condensation point for a substance is the same as its _____. Boiling point 17. for a substance to change from a gas to a liquid, particles must: Clump together 18. solid co2 isn’t ice. Why is it called dry ice? It doesn’t melt. It sublimates directly from a solid to a gas

16 Section 3: changes of state
19. the change of state from a solid to a gas: Sublimation 20. spread of particles in a substance changes when then _____ changes. temperature The temperature of a substance does not change before the _____ is complete. Change of state

17 Ch 8 States of matter Exit ticket:
Do solids have : mass? _____ Volume? _____ Density? _____ Do liquids have : mass? _____ Volume? _____ Density? _____ Do gases have : mass? _____ Volume? _____ Density? _____

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