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Beer UK December 2012.

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1 Beer UK December 2012


3 Market Size and Forecast
Total market value of Beer, Source: HMRC/BBPA/Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

4 Market Size and Forecast
Total market volumes of Beer, Source: HMRC/BBPA/Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

5 Market Segmentation UK value sales of Beer in £ million, 2007-12
Source: HMRC/BBPA/Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

6 Market Share Brand shares in the UK Beer off-trade market, by value, 2011 Source: Mintel

7 Market Context Index of pub and brewery numbers, 2000-12
Source: BBPA/CAMRA/Mintel

8 Consumer – Types of Beer Drunk
Types of Beer drunk (total), October 2012 “Which of the following types of beer have you drunk while at home or in pubs/restaurants in the last six months?” Source: GMI/Mintel Base: 1,916 internet users aged 18+

9 Consumer – Types of Beer Drunk
Types of Beer drunk, in home vs out of home October 2012 “Which of the following types of beer have you drunk while at home or in pubs/restaurants in the last six months?” Source: GMI/Mintel Base: 1,916 internet users aged 18+

10 Consumer – Choice Factors
Choice Factors when buying beer, October 2012 “Still thinking about beer, please select the five most important factors which you look for when purchasing beer either in supermarkets or in pubs/restaurants.” Source: GMI/Mintel Base: 1,388 internet users aged 18+ who have drunk beer in the last six months

11 Consumer – Attitudes Towards Lager
Attitudes towards Lager, October 2012 “Thinking specifically about beers/lagers (eg Stella Artois, Kronenbourg), to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?” Source: GMI/Mintel Base: 1,388 internet users aged 18+ who have drunk beer in the last six months

12 Consumer – Attitudes Towards Craft Beer
Attitudes towards Craft Beer, October 2012 “Thinking specifically about craft beer (ie beer which is generally made by a smaller producer) to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?” Source: GMI/Mintel Base: 1,388 internet users aged 18+ who have drunk beer in the last six months

13 Consumer – Attitudes Towards Ales/Stouts
Attitudes towards Ales/Stouts, October 2012 “Thinking about ales and stouts (eg Guinness and John Smith’s), which of the following statements, if any, do you agree with? Please select all that apply.” Source: GMI/Mintel Base: 1,388 internet users aged 18+ who have drunk beer in the last six months

14 Target Groups Unadventurous Driven by C2DEs. Likely to be enthusiastic drinkers of lager who are not overly price-driven. Characterised by a habit-driven approach to the market with newer types of beer and stouts/ales holding little appeal. Disengaged Biased towards men and year-olds. Likely to hold few strong attitudes towards beer. Usage of lager struggles somewhat while that of stout/ale is one of the few types to be above average. Craft Lovers Driven by year-olds, these users are most likely to embrace craft beers. Also the most likely to group to deviate from mainstream drinkers and try something new. Small and independent brewers are of high appeal to these beer drinkers. Explorers Biased towards women, year-olds and ABs. Defined by an adventurous and open-minded approach to drinking beer. Newer types of beer such as alcoholic ginger beer and craft beer well placed to appeal to Explorers. Source: GMI/Mintel Base: 1,388 internet users aged 18+ who have drunk beer in the last six months

15 Chris Wisson Senior Drinks Analyst +44 (0)

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