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Successes and Opportunities

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Presentation on theme: "Successes and Opportunities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successes and Opportunities
Enrollment Report Fall 2018 and Strategic Enrollment Management Lei Wang - AVP, Institutional Effectiveness Sheri Rowland – VP, Student Affairs

2 Community College Enrollment
National Trends in Community College Enrollment Percent Change From Previous Fall Fall 2013 -3.1% Fall 2014 -6.9% Fall 2015 -2.4% Fall 2016 -2.6% Fall 2017 -1.7% Source: American Association of Community Colleges

3 Florida College System
Florida College System and TCC Percent Change From Previous Year Florida College System TCC -4.1% -4.5% -3.1% -3.6% -2.4% -2.9% -1.5% -2.6% -1.8% -1.6% n/a

4 TCC Enrollment Fall 2007 to Fall 2018

5 TCC Enrollment and Unemployment Rate
Fall 2007 to Fall 2018

6 Headcount Enrollment 12,277 Fall 2018
There were 12,277 students enrolled in Of these students, 47% were enrolled full-time, and 53% were enrolled part-time.

7 Gender 45% 54% 1% Male Female Not Reported
The student body is 45% male and 54% female. 1% of students did not report their gender. 45% Male 1% Not Reported 54% Female

8 Race / Ethnicity

9 Age 82% of the 2018 student population is under the age of % of students are age 25 or older.

10 Residency 47% 1% Out-of-District Out-of-Country
50% of students come from within district. Another 47% come from out of district, but within Florida. 2% of students come from out of state. 1% of students come from out-of-country. 47% Out-of-District 1% Out-of-Country

11 Recipients of Pell Grants
43% are recipients of Pell Grants. 57% are not recipients of Pell Grants.

12 43% are recipients of Pell Grants
43% are recipients of Pell Grants. 57% are not recipients of Pell Grants.


14 Strategic Enrollment Management Refresh
Former Enhanced Comprehensive (Academic Programs, WD, Student Types) Long-Term Sustainability Forward-Thinking Research/Data Informed Focus on Short-term Outcomes Reactive Recruitment of Student Types

15 What is SEM? Institution-wide responsibility
Focuses on TCC Mission and strategic objectives Centers on what is best for students Ensures student success Adapted from “A Practical Guide to Strategic Enrollment Management Planning” (2007)

16 Core Principles of SEM Establishing clear enrollment goals
Promoting student success Determining, achieving, and maintaining optimum enrollment Delivery of effective academic programs Generating tuition Adapted from “A Practical Guide to Strategic Enrollment Management Planning” (2007)

17 Core Principles of SEM Creating a data-rich environment to inform decisions and evaluate strategies Strengthening communications and marketing Increasing collaboration among departments Adapted from “Applying SEM at the Community College“ (2009)

18 Why Now? Shifts in college attendance
Increased competition for students Limited resources for both colleges and students Targeted, measured strategies for effectiveness Shared campus vision and message Responsiveness to change Adapted from “Applying SEM at the Community College“ (2009)

19 Student Success and Completion
SEM Student Success and Completion

20 Community College Transition Points for Strategy Development
Adult Basic Skills to GED Transitional Studies to College Credit GED to Credit High School to College Workforce to Credit Workforce to Continuing Education

21 Key Questions for SEM What student markets could be expanded with improved success? Which academic programs have low cost, high demand, and capacity? Which programs have students making successful transitions resulting in success and completion?

22 TCC SEM Committee Membership
Co-Chairs: VP, Student Affairs and AVP, Institutional Effectiveness Executive Members: Provost, VP of Administrative Services, VP of Workforce Innovation, Chief of Staff Academic Representatives: Dean of Business, Industry & Technology, Dean of HealthCare Professions, Faculty, Center for Professional Enrichment, Library, Learning Commons Representatives from Other Areas on Campus: Director of Financial Aid, Director of Communications & Marketing, Student Affairs, Foundation

23 TCC SEM Work Plan Fall 2018 Develop guiding principles and outcomes for Review and analyze data (TCC enrollment data, Annual Fact Book, State Data, National Data) Conduct environmental scanning (Regional demography, local high school, state and national policy trends, economic trends)

24 TCC SEM Work Plan Spring 2019 Continuous Process Improvement
1. Develop enrollment goals 2. Identify strategic enrollment investments 3. Identify measurable outcomes based on goals and strategies 4. Track enrollment, revenue, and budget outcomes 5. Create reinvestment strategies for following year Continuous Process Improvement

25 Just Remember… SEM is a comprehensive, campus-wide process aligning enrollment strategies to vision, mission, and strategic objectives. The most positive outcomes of SEM: strategic enrollment growth in academic programs that ensure fiscal sustainability. SEM is a marathon, not a sprint.

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