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Assume that fresh water and fire is already available.

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Presentation on theme: "Assume that fresh water and fire is already available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assume that fresh water and fire is already available.
If you were stranded on a small, deserted island, what 3 things do you want with you and why? Assume that fresh water and fire is already available.

2 What jobs are the most dangerous, do you think?

3 Do you believe in YOLO?

4 What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Undie 500 In the doghouse

5 I consider myself someone who takes risks.
Play it safe

6 I would take a big risk if the money were right.

7 I have almost died. To be a guinea pig

8 Being a human guinea pig

9 Ditto

10 Would you run naked for 30 seconds in Hoomoon?

11 Would you run naked for 1 minute in Hoomoon? (I’ll let you wear a mask)
100,000,000,000,000 won

12 Euthanasia

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