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It is the subject or noun of the sentence

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Presentation on theme: "It is the subject or noun of the sentence"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Search for Key Words:  Look for a word that unlocks Mii (Most Important Information):
It is the subject or noun of the sentence It stands alone and still hold information One word that helps you remember an important idea Words that are repeated in the title, headings, or text Words that help you visualize Is a substitute word (means the same as a group of words)

2 What is a rock hyrax?

3 The hyrax, also called rock rabbit or dassie, is a small furry mammal
The hyrax, also called rock rabbit or dassie, is a small furry mammal. It looks like a robust, oversized guinea pig, or a rabbit with rounded ears and no tail. Hyraxes have stumpy toes with hoof like nails, four toes on each front foot and three on each back foot. The longer, claw like nails on the inside toes of the back feet are used for grooming and scratching. The bottoms of the feet have a rubbery texture to assist in climbing steep rock surfaces and trees.

4 Rock hyraxes spend several hours sunbathing in the mornings, followed by short excursions to feed. They eat quickly with the family group facing out from a circle to watch for potential predators, feeding on grasses, herbage, leaves, fruit, insects, lizards and birds' eggs. Their safety lies in being able to seek shelter quickly, hiding among the rocks is their best defense. If the territorial male gives the shrill shriek of alarm, the hyraxes jump or scuttle to cover where they remain frozen, without moving, until the danger has passed. Hyraxes are preyed upon by eagles, leopards, hyenas, jackals and pythons.

5 Hyraxes live in colonies of from 6 to 50 individuals
Hyraxes live in colonies of from 6 to 50 individuals. The larger colonies are made up of family groups of females and young and one old male. When alarmed they scamper for a hole in the rocks or in the ground, the old male bringing up the rear. Although hyraxes are active mainly by day, they are on the alert on moonlit nights, when their “mewing” calls may be heard. The call may rise higher and higher to end in a prolonged scream. This may be answered by another hyrax as far as a mile away.

6 What is a rock hyrax? The hyrax, also called rock rabbit or dassie, is a small furry mammal. It looks like a robust, oversized guinea pig, or a rabbit with rounded ears and no tail. Hyraxes have stumpy toes with hoof like nails, four toes on each front foot and three on each back foot. The longer, claw like nails on the inside toes of the back feet are used for grooming and scratching. The bottoms of the feet have a rubbery texture to assist in climbing steep rock surfaces and trees. Rock hyraxes spend several hours sunbathing in the mornings, followed by short excursions to feed. They eat quickly with the family group facing out from a circle to watch for potential predators, feeding on grasses, herbage, leaves, fruit, insects, lizards and birds' eggs. Their safety lies in being able to seek shelter quickly, hiding among the rocks is their best defense. If the territorial male gives the shrill shriek of alarm, the hyraxes jump or scuttle to cover where they remain frozen, without moving, until the danger has passed. Hyraxes are preyed upon by eagles, leopards, hyenas, jackals and pythons. Hyraxes live in colonies of from 6 to 50 individuals. The larger colonies are made up of family groups of females and young and one old male. When alarmed they scamper for a hole in the rocks or in the ground, the old male bringing up the rear. Although hyraxes are active mainly by day, they are on the alert on moonlit nights, when their “mewing” calls may be heard. The call may rise higher and higher to end in a prolonged scream. This may be answered by another hyrax as far as a mile away.

7 SUM it UP! Using every word in your list, plus some extras, try to write one or two sentences about your topic for $2.00 or less. Every word in your list is worth 10 cents. Topic word is always free (on sale).


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