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Retention At NMHU Edward A. Martinez, Casey Applegate-Aguilar and Retention Advisory Council March 2, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Retention At NMHU Edward A. Martinez, Casey Applegate-Aguilar and Retention Advisory Council March 2, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Retention At NMHU Edward A. Martinez, Casey Applegate-Aguilar and Retention Advisory Council March 2, 2018

2 Current Retention Data
First-Time Freshman Retention, Fall-to-Spring Fall Cohort 2016 2017 Fall Cohort Size 312 254 Target Fall to Spring Retention 78% Actual Fall to Spring Retention 72.1% 75.6% 2016 fall-to-fall = 45.2% 2017 Target = 53% Average for similar Institutions (ACT 2016) = 56.7%

3 Current Retention Data
First-Time Transfer Retention, Fall-to-Spring Fall Cohort 2016 2017 Fall Cohort Size 395 Target Fall to Spring Retention NA 80% Actual Fall to Spring Retention 77% 84.6% 2016 fall-to-fall = 65.6% 2017 Target = 71%

4 Current Completion Data
First-Time Freshman 4-Year Completion Fall Cohort 2011 2012 2013 Fall Cohort Size 414 424 349 Actual 4-year Completion 8% 10.4% 10.9% Average for similar institutions (ACT 2016): 9.9%

5 Current Completion Data
First-Time, full-time Freshman 6-Year Completion Fall Cohort 2009 2010 2011 Fall Cohort Size 379 320 414 Target 6-year Completion 20% Actual 6-year Completion 17.9% 22.2% Average for similar institutions (ACT 2016): 23.9%

6 Current Completion Data
First-Time, Full-time Transfer Completion, 2-year Fall Cohort 2013 2014 2015 Fall Cohort Size 350 366 410 Actual 2-year Completion 28.2% 35.8% 40%

7 Current Completion Data
First-Time, Full-time Transfer Completion, 4-year Fall Cohort 2011 2012 2013 Fall Cohort Size 368 390 350 Actual 4-year Completion 47.8% 47.4% 33.1%

8 Student Success Measures
Average credits earned = .37%% growth per year From the Fall 2017 cohort, 177 students were eligible for lottery. From these 177 students 94 earned the lottery. From the 94 students 84 (89.4%) were retained to spring.

9 Subpopulation Retention
Sub-population Goal 1: Increase retention of FFF students with less than $4, in non-repayable financial aid Sub-population Goal 2: Increase retention of FFF Undeclared students Sub-population Goal 3: Increase retention of FFF students with a HS GPA less than 2.935 Sub-population Goal 4: Increase retention of FFF Native American students Sub-population Goal 5: Increase retention of FFF African American students Sub-population Goal 6: Increase retention of FFF students who come from miles from Las Vegas Sub-population Goal 7: Increase retention of FFF students who are admitted less than 35 days before the first day of class

10 Subpopulation Retention
Sub-population Goal 8: Increase retention of Adult Learners (non-traditional students) Sub-population Goal 9: Increase retention of Returning students A strategy leader and team is assigned to each subpopulation. Each team is currently compiling and reviewing data specific to their subpopulation. Students are being interviewed and/or surveyed to learn more about why they are leaving and the challenges they face. Based on data gathered, each team will identify strategies and implement them to increase retention. Strategy Example: -bringing inspiring/empowering guest speakers to campus to present to students

11 Retention Activities at ARMAS
Supplemental Instruction Leaders 19 SILs in: Bio 211 & 212; Chem 211, 212 & 342; FOR 105 & 340;Phys 152; Geo 101; Math 140, 160, 211, 252, & 273 Lab and Course Embedded Math Mentors Five Math Mentors embedded in four sections of Math 120 12 Math Mentors in Math Lab Success Coaches Five success coaches assisting 68 students enrolled in: Math 140, 160, 211 & 252; Phys 152 & 292; Chem 342 Student Internships 30 students participating in chemistry, biology, geology, and CS experiences

12 Highlands Haciendas Retention Activities
 New Fall 2017 initiatives HH inspirational speaker Jullien Gordon focused on retention   Students Faculty Peer leaders HH / Academic Support collaboration to identify students who have not attended class in the first two weeks. Peer Advisers and Peer Mentors make classroom and residence hall visits to determine if first-time freshmen students are actually on campus.

13 Fall Highlands Haciendas Data
Freshmen consistently earn higher grades in LC courses 2017

14 Fall Highlands Haciendas data
621 academic visits 203 social visits / events 15 Unknown Total: 839

15 Highlands Haciendas Retention Activities
Spring Peer Mentoring -11 PMs serving 22 courses + 1 iSeminar = 460 student served -100 academic / mentoring visits (Jan-Feb) -153+ social visits / event attendance (Jan-Feb) -296 outside contacts Total: 528+ contacts/visits

16 Highlands Haciendas Fall 2018 Highlands Haciendas
- 14 LCs to serve up to 321 students LC CODE Course 1 Course 2 MEDIA MART 233 ENGL 152 SW SW 218 NAHS 124 BUSINESS BUS 200? CS 144 BODY BIO 131 / lab CS 101 ECO FOR 105 / lab ENGL 106/111 RHYTHM MUS 101 SPCH 124 HP ENGL 135 TCHRS GNED 201/251 ORIGIN HIST 100 BIO 110 / lab BIO BIO 211 / lab LIGHT MATH 120 CS 135 VOICES ANTH 103 SBS PSY 101 / discussion SOC 152 AWAKEN

17 Other Current Retention Initiatives
First-Time Freshman Enrollment Success program : New freshman students admitted with a GPA of less than 2.0, an ACT under 13, and admitted within 35 days of the first day of class Students develop SMART Goals, attend weekly appointments with adviser, attend 30 hours of academic enrichment activities, maintain at least 15 credits hours, and earn a minimum of 1.75 GPA their first semester. Starting spring 18, all freshman students placed on academic probation during the fall were asked to participate in the program Fall 2017: 15 students participated; 11 successfuly completed; 10 retained to spring Spring 2018: 20 students currently participating

18 Other Current Retention Initiatives
First-time freshman advising: All FTF are advised by Academic Support advisers Advisers use data from the college student inventory survey report During session, students develop SMART Goals for the semester The creation of the Snapshot window in Banner: The snapshot window includes admissions, financial aid, business office balances, and student course schedules Tool used to better assists staff and faculty to advise students Redesigned freshman orientation: Includes integration of Highlands Haciendas through Peer Mentor-led teambuilding Parent/family sessions Student-focused presentations Mentoring by faculty Hands-on ITS training on NMHU technology Use of university

19 Other Current Retention Initiatives
Transfer orientation: Created Fall 2017 Student-focused presentations Hands-on ITS training on NMHU technology Students meet with faculty Service culture initiative (Power of Service): Series of monthly training sessions designed to improve staff and faculty’s knowledge base Improve the quality of service provided to our students and to each other Initiative aims to provide exceptional customer service at NMHU

20 Current Retention Initiatives
7. In collaboration with The Native American Center, People’s Center for Indigenous Knowledges, Housing and Student Conduct, and the Native American/Hispano Cultural Studies program, the Community Center for Indigeneity at Melody Hall (CCI) was created: CCI goal is to create, through integration, a caring, sharing and respectful community living experience: Promotes inclusion, diversity, and cultural awareness for all NMHU students The NMHU Financial Aid Department is partnering with New Mexico Education Assistance Foundation (NMEAF): Host Financial Literacy Workshops at area high schools and on NMHU campuses Faculty development for use of Degree Audit in advising. Implementation of Slate: Improves communication with students Including prospective and current NMHU students

21 Persistence and Completion Academy
Currently collecting data to present to the campus community at the Persistence and Completion Academy Forum in mid-March The goal is to develop a shared campus-wide understanding of advising and come to consensus of how student advising should be done at NMHU Outcome: Develop a campus-wide Student Advising Plan

22 Thank You For Your Support And Participation In Retention Initiatives At NMHU!

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