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Learning by using CAF several times

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2 Learning by using CAF several times
Presentation according to the CAF criteria Leadership Strategy and Planning Human Resources Management External Partnerships and Resources Process and Change Management Customer/Citizen- Oriented Results People (Staff) Results Impact on Society Key Performance Results

3 Develop, review and update strategy and planning
Criterion 2: Strategy and Planning Develop, review and update strategy and planning annual quality plan annual evaluation of target commitments with stakehoder representatives agreement on target commitments in co-operation with staff members (top down and bottom up) develop and implement system of key indicators

4 The Annual Quality Plan
Criterion 2: Strategy and Planning The Annual Quality Plan Structured according to CAF focus areas Objectives per focus area Each objective Assignment Stakeholder Measures Evaluation Priorisation per objective Follow-up based on audits

5 Implement strategy and planning in the whole organisation
Criterion 2: Strategy and Planning Implement strategy and planning in the whole organisation Benchmarking and benchlearnig – use all available possibilities Annual application of CAF by project team Internal audit by municipal management External audit by certification institute

6 Implement strategy and planning in the whole organisation
Criterion 2: Strategy and Planning Implement strategy and planning in the whole organisation Closed (quality) management cycle Audit results are objectives in the next year‘s quality plan

7 Closed Management Cycle –
PDCA - Cycle

8 How do we maximize utility of the results of
Criterion 6: Customer / Citizen-Orientated Results How do we maximize utility of the results of our customer satisfaction measurements?

9 Internal questionnaire
in Turkish

10 customer/citizen satisfaction Internal survey External survey Key representatives Qualitative customer survey

11 The Qualitative Customer Survey
Criterion 6: Customer / Citizen-Orientated Results The Qualitative Customer Survey Comprehensive interview by external assesor using predefined methods and evaluation with interpreter if needed

12 Benchmarking – we compare ourselves to, and learn from
Criterion 6: Customer / Citizen-Orientated Results Benchmarking – we compare ourselves to, and learn from internal customer surveys customer surveys in other cities CAF network comparison with a Slovenian administration

13 Have we achieved our goals?
Criterion 9: Key Performance Results Have we achieved our goals? Staff satisfaction and customer satisfaction Staff Customer

14 Have we achieved our goals?
Criterion 9: Key Performance Results Have we achieved our goals? Staff satisfaction and customer satisfaction Instead of up to eight weeks: less than one hour Cost per case have been reduced from € 71 to € 54

15 Have we achieved our goals?
Criterion 9: Key Performance Results Have we achieved our goals? Positive perception in practically all media and a non-issue in day-to-day politics or in recent elections Evaluation and benchmarking of the model by international universities - Salzburg University Hannover University Cottbus Universitiy of Technology

16 What have we learned from the repeated application of CAF?
Summary What have we learned from the repeated application of CAF? CAF is suitable for newcomer and advanced quality managers Creation of quality awareness and developing a culture of permanent improvement Realistic plan for annual improvements Rigorous application of the PDCA cycle to achieve a management model that meets the requirements of TQM, ISO, ...

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