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Circuits & Switches An electrical current will only flow if there is a complete pathway through which the electrons can move. This pathway is called an.

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Presentation on theme: "Circuits & Switches An electrical current will only flow if there is a complete pathway through which the electrons can move. This pathway is called an."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circuits & Switches An electrical current will only flow if there is a complete pathway through which the electrons can move. This pathway is called an electrical circuit.

2 An electrical circuit is made up of:
1) A source of electrons 2) A conductor through which the electrons can flow 3) The switch that stops or starts the flow of electrons 4) A load which is used to change the electrical energy into some other form of energy. 1 1 2 3 4

3 Examples of Loads Radio (sound energy) Blender (kinetic energy)
TV (light energy) Space Heater (thermal energy)

4 Open & Closed Circuits There are two types of circuits:
1) Open circuits are formed when the flow of electrons is interrupted and they can no longer move past a certain point. 2) Closed circuits are formed when there is a flow of electrons.


6 Circuit Diagrams To simplify the drawing of an electric circuit, symbols are used.

7 To simplify the drawing of an electric circuit, symbols are used.
The circuit shown can be represented by the circuit diagram below it. To simplify the drawing of an electric circuit, symbols are used.

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