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Topic 6 Thorson & Duffy (2012) chs 9, 10, 11

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1 Topic 6 Thorson & Duffy (2012) chs 9, 10, 11
Creative strategy and tactics Topic 6 Thorson & Duffy (2012) chs 9, 10, 11

2 Creativity - what does it mean in the context of advertising?

3 Creativity Ability to break through the clutter
Make an impression on target audience Honda Live Ad Achieving balance between something that sells & being novel Transforming information on product features & benefits, marketing plans, research & communications objectives into a concept that brings advertising message to life Shazam Does creative excellence imply commercial success? YouTube - Shake and Vac YouTube - Guinness - Surfer ( extended )

4 The creative challenge
Coming up with the ‘big idea’ Dove ‘Real beauty comes in many shapes, sizes and ages’ (to boost women’s self-esteem) Writing copy Designing layouts & illustrations

5 Types of advertising Brand advertising Political advertising
Directory advertising Direct response advertising Business to business advertising Institutional or corporate advertising Public service advertising

6 Brand advertising


8 Political advertising

9 Direct Response advertising
Concern Worldwide

10 Corporate/Institutional ads
Apple Think Different



13 Public service Ads

14 Advertising appeals Approach used to attract the attention of consumers &/or to influence their feelings toward product, service or cause. Excites people’s interest Forms the underlying content of the ad An appeal can be executed in many ways Informational/rational appeals VS emotional appeals




18 Informational/rational appeals
Focus on consumer’s practical need for product or service Emphasises features of product or service Emphasises benefits or reasons for owning or using particular product Content emphasises facts, learning, logic of persuasion Comfort, convenience, economy, health, sensory benefits, quality, dependability, durability, efficiency

19 Emotional appeals Relate to customers’ social &/or psychological needs for purchasing a product or service Play on importance of feelings towards a brand rather than knowledge of its features Widely used where product differentiation is not significant Goal: to evoke an emotional response To transfer positive feelings to the brand

20 Bases for emotional appeals

21 Creative execution style
Way in which a particular appeal is turned into an advertising message presented to the consumer Way in which content is presented

22 Presenting the advertising message
Straight sell or factual message Scientific/technical evidence Demonstration Benecol Testimonial AIB Saver Slice of life Barry's Tea Animation No Company endorsement Pedigree

23 Personality symbol Bird's Eye Product as hero Lynx Fantasy Brennans Bread Wheatfields Sony Bravia

24 Brand heritage and history Humour Combinations
Dramatisation Adobe BS detector Brand heritage and history Guinness, Bulmers, Hovis Humour Combinations

25 10 principles for evaluating advertising
Impact Concentrates on one Big Idea Simple & clear Involves the target consumer Discriminates the brand from its competitors Credible & genuine Integrates brand name with central idea Establishes &/or develops consumer relationship Builds brand personality Idea must be campaignable

26 The use of celebrities in advertising
Advantages Disadvantages The success stories The failures

27 The use of celebrities in advertising
Advantages Disadvantages

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