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Human Impacts on Air Resources

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Presentation on theme: "Human Impacts on Air Resources"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Impacts on Air Resources

2 Global Warming This is an increase in Earth’s average temps
Greenhouse effect is a natural phenomena, but global warming is not Burning of fossil fuels is partly to cause for increase in CO2


4 Rising Temps Studies indicate Earth’s mean surface temp has increased 0.5 degrees C in the last century Could go up in next century This could change wind and precip patterns Others say we do not have records long enough to know

5 Glacier Near Greenland
1979 2005


7 Arctic Ice Sheet


9 Ozone Depletion Ozone is a layer within the atmosphere that absorbs and filters out UV rays Scientists figured out in the early 1970’s the CFC’c were harmful to ozone In the mid-1980’s it was discovered that there was a hole over Antarctica Happened because of human activity


11 Acid Precipitation This is precip with a pH less then 5.0
Forms when sulfur dioxide combines with moisture in the atmosphere sulfuric and nitric acid Happens mostly in Midwest from coal burning plants





16 Reduction in Air Pollution

17 Global Leaders in Air Pollution

18 Pollution Solutions
Ethanol Recycling

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