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The Future of the Church Part 2

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1 The Future of the Church Part 2
Ecclesiology The Future of the Church Part 2

2 Immediate Prospects As faithful, conscientious believers find themselves increasingly ________________, not only by the culture but also by a compromised Christianity, the characteristics of a ___________________ movement will become increasingly apparent. Biblical Christianity has always been about the remnant. Revival is _________ a possibility if we understand that true revival is not the byproduct of concentrated ___________ effort. There is no indication of an __________ revival in the church in Scripture. As previously referenced the final period of church history (the Laodicean Period), pictures Christ outside the church seeking ___________. This does not mean that there will not be pockets of spiritual ___________. The remnant will be the ___________ witness of truth. Satan is far more conscious of the times than men are. (Revelation 12:12) He is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) he will utilize the world to bring to bear significant ___________ upon the remnant. Truth has ________ been persecuted! (2 Tim. 3:10-13)

3 It is naïve to think that those who have _____________with the culture will rise to the challenge posed by persecution. If they are willing compromise the truth for _________, they will capitulate for the sake of __________! For too long, believers have looked for hope in the ballot box, in political activism, and far too often compromise of principle for the sake of assumed “clout.” Eternal Reality The hope of the church corporately and of every believer ________________ is the second coming of Christ in the Rapture. The church can maintain its position of fidelity to the truth ____________ that better days lie ahead. This is called the blessed hope. (Tit. 2:11-14) The expectation of the return of Christ for the church fuels all of our endeavors, and allows the saints to continue with the patience of _______. The Rapture is exhilarating. The Judgment Seat of Christ which follows is __________. We are accountable to the Savior for obedient function in the church. We will be judged individually according to the degree of our ___________. (Rom. 14:12; 1 Cor. 3:11-15) This is a judgment of works, not a judgment of salvation. Salvation was settled at Calvary. Our works will be judged as to _________.

4 Forever with the Lord Means
That we will all be ___________ is self-evident. We are very adept at deceiving ourselves about the true nature of our spiritual condition. By the same token we shall be surprised to find out that the efforts we thought to be _________, in the light of eternity will prove to be most rewarding. It should be observed that we will have received ______ bodies with wonderful capacities with which to more adequately praise and serve God. (1 Thes. 4:13-16) The prospects are truly amazing. Not only will the saints be with Christ forever, we will also enjoy _____________ blessings. (Eph. 1:9-12; 2:7) Forever with the Lord Means We will be with the Lord in heaven during the awful Tribulation transpiring on the earth. We will be with the Lord in His Triumphal return at the end of the Tribulation (Matthew 25:1-13; Revelation 19:11-16). We will be with the Lord means that we will reign with Christ during the Millennium (Revelation 5:10; 20:6). We will reign with Christ in the New Jerusalem forever (Revelation 22:1-5).

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